Dec. 1, 2022

S253: Shadow People ? Hauntings, and the Man in the Hat.

Today's episode is all about a guy named Tim's personal experiences with shadow people, shadow children, and more. Enjoy!

Today's episode is all about a guy named Tim's personal experiences with shadow people, shadow children, and more. Enjoy!

Participant #1:
Welcome to the Kentucky x files season two with your hosts Dennis mayes, Tyler Stewart, and Josh Gibbs. Don't forget to subscribe to us on YouTube, Spotify or wherever, wherever you get your podcasts, so you never miss an episode. Now on to our show.

Participant #1:
I'm muscles have come close to each other. Couldn't control

Participant #1:
it was based on the southern house. I didn't get the other house as it went by.

Participant #1:
I needed someone to have pure faith. And

Participant #1:
welcome back, guys, to your Kentucky X files.

Participant #1:
Is that bird being robbed that time or is it raising the roof? Oh, raising the roof. Yeah. I don't know. I want to not get on the video until the very last second and then I want to be in a full, like, two can just for this one thing at the beginning of the show. I love it. I don't even know the sound that a two can makes. Are you going to do your magic trick to do that? Yeah. That took you a second. We already got crap talk for it last time. That was before we even did video. That's true. Yeah, I don't care. Who cares? That could be gone. Before we get into this, I want to throw this out there because I thought it was funny and there's something I said and someone commented.

Participant #1:
You're not fooling anybody.

Participant #1:
Stefan comment on our last episode. Yeah, I know he comments regularly like Russ, but he said, great show. Can't wait for the earthmart. T-shirts. Earth mart. Yeah, because I was saying that is earth like a shopping center for them. It's like, hey, let's stop at earthmart. I was hoping that we'd also see some comments on the like, Wyoming has been removed from the t shirt. I know, but doesn't this just kind of add credence to my theory? Nobody from Wyoming said, hey, we're here. Your kind of forcing people to comment on this because if they don't comment, they're making you more. Right. This is tedious. This is beautiful. It's brilliant. Right? The way that this is going right now, people are believing in sasquatch more than they are people from Wyoming. There's probably a little town of sasquatches sitting there like, you know what? I have never met anybody from Wyoming. Have we ever passed through there before? They're trying to do selfies, but they're just blurry on there. You know what I mean? They can't do it in front of the sign. Yeah, it sucks. We'd have to get like the Patterson Gimblin one. Was that super eight that they were recording on it's? Still blurry. Still kind of blurry, yeah. I'm just saying it was the clearest photo I've ever seen. All I'm going to say to you, all you listeners out there is that Joshua really does have you in check right now. If you don't comment something about Wyoming, you're pretty much making him right. I mean, he's right. I'm on his side on this because I don't know anybody from Wyoming. I have no reason to believe that Wyoming is even real. I can't believe this is a second episode of this topic and this is still going on. I love it. It's great. You guys interested in some ghost stories? Yeah, I had a pretty fun week. I had a guy named Tim Rudd with me, and he confided some pretty cool stuff to me. Some of it's kind of creepy, but there's one part of it that when he told me, I'm like, he actually told me after the fact I got two recordings because I forced him to let me record the other stuff because he told me one. And I'm like, dude, where was that? He dropped a bombshell, and we already recorded. So, yeah, I have his recordings if you guys want to hear him. And then if you want me to pause at any time to discuss anything here, just give me a little wink, a little bit, you know what I mean? You don't have to do that if you don't want to. Anyway, here's the first part, and try not to blast you guys' ears out.

Participant #1:
Give me 1 second here. I didn't edit these down or anything, so you're going to hear some cars and shit in the background. Sunday, November 28. Here with Tim. You were living at a buddies. I was going through a divorce. I was living in my buddy's basement. And I guess towards the end of my time there it was every single night, I turn out the light, and in the corner by the stairs, I would see this figure. It looked like a shadow, but it didn't try to get me. It didn't move. It was always stationary in that spot. But it was definitely watching me. I no longer believe in coincidence because not long after I started seeing that, my buddy came to me and said, we are losing our house. Wow. Did you ever split the light on to see if it was maybe something like a shadow casted there? Well,

Participant #1:
that's a detail I did fail to mention, too. There was a light. They always kept that kitchen light on and that door open at the top. So right where it was was plenty of light. There shouldn't have been a shade. The only thing that was near it was a lamp. That wasn't a shadow from a lamp. Got you. That was the shape of a human body. Wow. Or at least the upper, because I never saw, like, shapes of feet or anything. I could see it's. Arms, hands, like detailed. Yeah. Wow. But the face, nothing there. That's all I ever did was just stare at me. No kidding.

Participant #1:
People who hear this are going to want to know, what kind of feeling did you get from it? The first couple of times, I was terrified. Freaking out. I was terrified. I didn't sleep. I actually turned the TV back on because it made me feel like, all right, if there's sound, if there's no, I'm good. But then after a while, I realized that that's all I was doing was watching me. What do you do? I'll just go to sleep. All right. You said something also. You saw something that was almost like a smaller like a small child. Yes. This was, I don't know, maybe I guess maybe almost a year ago, right after I moved in where I'm living now, I was actually coming to where we work, and I walked out to my car, and I saw it looked like it was the same thing as that in my buddy's basement. It was a little shadow figure. It looked like the size of a child. It looked like he was peeking around my car at me. And at first, I thought, is there a child running around out here? Yeah. So I didn't walk over. I actually ran over and turned on my wife. Nothing. And it's not like there was bushes there for them to hide in. Yeah, you would have heard something, too. I couldn't hear footsteps, but I mean, how fast can a baby child run? Well, they can get moving. They can get you a little late going. I actually did ask later that day, my neighbor yeah, she said no, she was with her mom. Okay. She said my daughter was with her mom. With her grandmother? Yeah. And it's like, all right, well, then I don't know what that was. And then you said that you had one encounter where your dog actually reacted. This is the encounter that made me believe in this stuff. I don't know, maybe I was ten or something like that. It was one of the first times my parents left me home alone as a German shepherd. And I was in the basement with him just watching TV, and I fell asleep. I woke up and the electric was out just in the basement. And I looked over at the steps, and he was looking up at the back door, growling at something. And I thought, all right, what's going on? And we went upstairs to that back door, and I heard doorknob jiggling real hard, like somebody was trying to get in. And the dog stayed right in front of that door and just stared out that window. Didn't growl, didn't do nothing, just stared. My dog was a very well behaved dog. When I say come, he comes. And he did not come. So that wasn't normal for him. I can say from experience to having a bigger dog, and you know how fearless they get when they're afraid of something. It's a worse feeling than if something just scares you, because you almost think, well, if it's scaring you, should I be concerned? And then you said there was NMC, like a claw mark or something, I think you mentioned. I just stood there and stared at him and watched him, because he wouldn't come to me. I just let him do what he was going to do. And then all of a sudden, it's like he snapped out of a trance, looked at me and just started wagging. Wow. I walked outside, the only sign of anything that I saw was there was a claw mark next to the doorknob on the outside. That was the only time I felt fearful from any type of entity. And I've had a few. It's pretty wild. That's the first half. What do you guys think of that? I mean, the kid thing is obviously extremely creepy. Oh, yeah, I felt the when he was telling me about that too. He kind of puts you right there with him. Obviously you weren't there in person with him like I was, but he's sitting there telling it to me. You could see it like just shit freaked him out, you know? And he kind of get freaked out just from the other person's, you know what I mean, from their reaction. But when he talked about the dog, the dog reacting to something, staring into the darkness, growling and shit, I was like, yeah, I've had that happen. Yeah, my old dog, he did that before where he was staring into the darkness growling at nothing. And then he did the one where he got freaked out and ran in the house because something was outside scaring him. That shit, I don't know. The dog scared, just like I said in the recording. It's like if you're freaked out, then I'm freaked out. Yeah. The night on your camera where the thing growled at you. I was just about to say the same thing. Yeah, it's like, what was Leroy doing? What was his reaction? He was dead still. I think that's the one thing that made me, I guess, give me the more cold chills than anything was the fact that when you take Leroy out, he's ready to go out. Getting them to come back in until he's ready isn't an easy task. And all I did was jiggle his leash a little bit and go, yeah, let's go get a flashlight, buddy, and let's go. And he went right back into the house with me. At first I thought I was hearing crap, right? Until I realized he was hearing crap. Yeah, in the old video when you react, you know what I mean, you could see it. Both of you do. Yeah. And I think with him being lower to the ground, he was hearing the echo bouncing off the vehicle. So he was kind of like looking forward. I'm much taller than the dog, obviously, so I'm hearing over the vehicles, right, and we kind of do one of these. He's looking this way, I'm looking this way. The hell was that? What is it? The dog thing is, dogs do creepy shit all the time. Leroy still does in the house. He'll just stand his stare into a dark corner. I hate when they do that. Has anybody ever has any sense, like, why they do that? I know that everybody believes that it's ghost or they're seeing something that you can't see, but has anybody actually dug deep into that? Like, do they see things? Really? Can they see things that we can? I know some people suspected. I can tell you right now that's one thing that I've never desired to research, cause Leroy loves to stand and stare up the staircase. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah. Very unfortunate spot that he likes to stare. He does that the one time in particular, it was funny after the fact, but during the event, it was no fun. It was a Saturday and I was home alone and I heard something thumping around upstairs. Like it jumped off of a bed and ran to the other end of the house up there. And I was like, what the hell is Leroy doing? And I look over and he's on the couch next to my chair. Paul's up on the pillow looking at me like, what the hell is that noise up there? Yes, he jumped on the couch and walked over and stood and stared. You guys have been in my place, so you know the steps going up. He just kind of stood at the bottom of steps and just stared up. So, you know, I got up and we both just kind of stared up for a little while. I don't know what we were expecting. I have no idea what we commit. Nobody went, yeah, you both standing at the bottom of the stairs and you're like, looking at each other. You guys like, you're not talking to each other, but you guys are both asking the question, like, are you going to go up? Are you going to go up? I'm not going up. This is your house.

Participant #1:
Yeah. You should protect me. No, this is not how it works. It's amazing how fast the dog will sleep. They'll sell you out just like that. more from Tim and I'll get it ready here and play for you guys. There's one piece in here that he brings up which is not going to give us a whole lot of details that I know we wanted months ago, but we've got a little bit of a puzzle piece on a local folklore and we brought it up to a third party, a lady who lives around here. And she actually pointed us a little bit further the direction to go to maybe find some more details about this subject. So I'll play it. I can't remember what order he talks about the stuff in, but we'll just let it rip. I might pause in between in sections, just to clarify, because I know some people are going to know what I'm talking about, but here it goes. He was his best friend until there's danger. I'm fairly certain that if something would have come down that steps at us, lira would have tripped me on purpose. I don't have to be faster than it, just faster than you. Good luck running into those living rooms. I don't love you. I know they betrayed you. I'm sorry. Yeah, man. So anytime you got any story where you've got a dog reacting or you've got shadow children, the creep factor is just through the roof. I'm curious to hear the rest of this now. I've got a little bit

Participant #1:
It's recording. I'm recording it. Let's see

Participant #1:
again. There was another one when I was ten, maybe, as I said before, I think, I don't know. I lived in the basement, my parent, when I was out. Everybody does the little play around, say, bloody married three times in a mirror or whatever. Sure. Well, I decided to do it and I had the light on it again, as I said, I'm sure people know when it starts, but you can put your hand in front of your face and still see the shape. I saw a shape and I swear there was someone standing in front of me between the mirror and me. It was small, like possibly a child, little girl. And I didn't leave it on long enough to figure it out. I got scared and put the light back on and went out and moved.

Participant #1:
He did the Bloody Mary thing now never going to do it. I don't even know. I feel like she's going to pop up in the camera behind Tyler and it's going to be I love that. You saved me. You get the darkest room. Oh, there you go. It brightened up. I think I see it, but I don't think yeah, so terrifying. What if, like, somebody was standing there like, I know on my screen you're going to see people constantly on mine, but none of them are Bloody Mary. I just said it twice too. That was two times. Yeah. We're not looking into a mirror. That's true. What gives us cameras screwing up? It's true. The camera messes up and you literally see Bloody Mary. And would that be like, we're done okay? It's still like, yeah, that would be a done. But I still want to know listeners. We have a group chat and sometimes we will call each other FaceTime, like, hey, what are we going to talk about tonight? Blah, blah, blah. Before these two got on, I got a video of a guy in a mask playing a guitar and then it just cuts out. I was like, who was that? I was like, can people hijack your Facebook call? Yeah, I believe that they could. It still freaks me out. I was like, Was you guys playing a guitar with a mask? Yeah, because I remember it was back before we did the black triangle episode. And actually, after this happened, we had the conversation where we sort of stumble upon our theory of how the UFOs would work. And I was the first one to answer, and he's like, were you just playing guitar wearing a luchador mask or something like that? You're on my dash, looking at me. I'm driving down the road. No, I wasn't so crazy, man. I don't know. I don't know how to explain that. It would be more creepy if it was just, like, a random video of a person in the middle of the woods, but it was a guy playing guitar in a mask. Like, okay, maybe I just got hacked. And somebody's just like, hey, I got you. Just like, wait on this for a second time. If you were watching TV or something, your phone rings, and it literally says, video call from the Not Deer. Are you answering it?

Participant #1:
I have to. I want to know. Okay. It knows my number on the screen. He's like, Hi, Tyler. Hi, Ty.

Participant #1:
Most likely if it would have said, that not dear. And then I'd answer it. Say, hi, I'm calling about your car's extended. Okay.

Participant #1:
People are getting the naughtier in on this shit too. Hey, the Nazir has got to make money just like the rest of it. Yeah. So what if the fellow that was playing guitar and a mask had the same reaction you did? Whoa. Because you called from a dark room, like, right now, you've got a lot it was pitch black.

Participant #1:
You had your room. You called from, like, pitch black. Because I only saw you, like, when you got this far away from it. That is true. What if he was sitting there playing guitar for somebody else, and all of a sudden you pop up, and he's like I was like, I'm sorry I don't have good lighting in my room. Literally, my lighting right now, just blue is my TV playing a ten hour blue screen to give me some nice blue hue. That's why it keeps going in and out. It's because I got ads. So I'm literally paying somebody for a blue screen right now. So hey, this is low budget. Low budget right now. You've got to do what you got to do. I wanted to say this back when you guys were talking, because you guys had a little couple of random experiences. There was this one time I thought it was really fucking weird in my house. I was down in my room. I was just sitting there. No one was home. And I could hear, like, on hardwood floor, high heels. You could hear the sound it would make. And then I was like, what's making that? It sounded like footsteps in high heels. So I was like, there was no way. I was like, I believe it wholeheartedly that it was high heels and somebody was walking upstairs. And then I go upstairs, and nothing was moved place. Nothing looked weird. Yeah, that looked weird. Your camera stuff going on. I was going to say, what is going on with my screen, but when I went out there, nothing was out of place. Nothing looked like suspicious. But when I walk downstairs, I get this huge width of perfume. I was like, sexy ghost time. I was like, what? Was like, nothing. I was like, where the fuck did this perfume come from? I'm just waiting for a hand to, like, come out

Participant #1:
deadly. Like chris's my cheek. Like, you look down at our screens and you see me and him both like, it's gonna be like, phasmophobia. He's just going to be there. And all of a sudden these fingers are going to come around.

Participant #1:
That happened. I was a little ticket. I don't know, taking it back, taken aback. That's what I was going up. Thank you, Gibbs. But there was one other time. It was kind of like what he was saying, I didn't do the Bloody Mary thing. It was like late at night. It was like 200 in the morning, I think I woke up to go to the bathroom. You didn't do the what thing? What thing? I cut out the what thing didn't you do? I don't know. You said, I didn't do the Mary thing. I didn't hear it. What was it? Oh, no, I didn't do that. So I just woke up, go to the bathroom. I get into the bathroom, and then as I got out, there was no lights on the house. I turned the light off before I left the bathroom. And you know like that feeling when somebody gets close to your face comes really close up? I felt that. And it's weird to explain, but it felt and actually my brain was trying to think it was a face. Like my brain, like, I immediately thought was like, what the like somebody came up in front of me like that. I was like, what

Participant #1:
event? Honestly? So I don't know the feeling of that coming up to me. But after that, I was like I was like I turned the light on. I'm like you know, I could tell you I have this thing on Tuesdays I call my spooky poop in the early morning. I use bathroom. And the only place I can do it there's this very, very empty place that I go to that has to do with my job. And I can tell you that the worst time for any kind of haunting thing would be when you're at your most vulnerable. And that's when you're pooping zombie land. That said that and that's the wear bathroom. I really feel like the worst case scenario is what if you're like it's a decent one where you're not getting up and getting away. Yeah, I even say that about in home invasions. I hope that I'm at least watching, like, TV. I have my pants on. If they break in while I'm either A, on the toilet or B in the

Participant #1:
I don't know. They might not fight you. What are you doing? Your junks all out and stuff. I'm going to say right now that just from my personal opinion, any one of the three men that I see on this screen right now, if you were to confront an intruder, but naked with a weapon, that's going to be far more terrifying than anything else that could happen. Okay? Yeah,

Participant #1:
it's creepy. It's early in the morning. You're doing your Mountain Dew. You're morning dew. You're sitting there. Maybe you're even flipping through your phone, and then you hear, help me tired. It doesn't hurt my name. And then it's like you don't where it's coming from. It's the not ghost. The not dear ghost. Anyway, I'm sorry. Do you guys want to hear some more Tim story? Yeah, I feel like everybody else, like, come on, get back to his story. So sorry. You three idiots need to shut up and let him talk. All right, here we go.

Participant #1:
Another one didn't really scare me. It just to this day, I don't really know what the deal with it was. I was in my room and it just went on for two weeks, and I would hear sounded like a group of people laughing outside my window. And every time I go to look out the window, they would stop and the outside light would turn off. And I thought, maybe my sister and her friends are playing in the yard. And I asked my sister, I said, what are you guys doing out there? She said, I was in bed. What are you talking about? So there's a group of ghosts out there or something. And then after two weeks, it just stopped. I don't know what happened there. Yes, I've heard of that, though. When you told me that one, I've heard of that where especially the child crying thing. And I've even made the joke on the show, like if something's trying to lure me into the woods, that's the worst sound to choose, because I'm not going, you know what I mean? I'm not doing it. I don't care. Yeah, you call me what you will, but I'm not falling for that yet. I've seen too many horror movies. And earlier you told me about you've been wondering about this, the pig woman. Oh, yeah, she's a hug woman. She is nice. I haven't seen it. Yes, my uncle talked about it. Well, kid, he didn't say if he ever saw it. And I don't know if it was just some stupid story he was telling me or if it was legit, but he said it was a woman who was ugly. Basically on her wedding day, her husband to be just disappeared. Nobody knows to be killed himself or whatever. And then she was so sad that she killed herself. And to this day, she will walk through the woods in her dress looking for a husband. There's some similarities there. That's why I told you I've been looking for more details about because I've heard I've heard about the Hogwoman. And my cousin, when I asked him about it, he was like, that's just some story they told to keep us out of the woods at night. But even he went on to say, It's nothing. But at the same time, he's like, don't get me wrong. He's like, I have heard, I've seen and experienced weird shit in our woods. Yes. So it's one of the things, like, you don't want to believe it, but how far back you have to go to get to what really happened. You ever seen that? I'm going to pause it for a second. I noticed that the version of the Hogwoman that he was given, it matches up with the lady in White, like, big time, but it doesn't always you know, the Hogwomen is kind of there's

Participant #1:
several different versions of this. That I've heard so far, and that one really feels like it's just taking a lot of the lady in white and kind of just blended in with this hogwoman. Another one I heard was that it was a woman that apparently they kept calling her that. Like they were making fun of her. Like they were making fun of her looks. And apparently there's something there. I don't know. But I promised a lady who gave me that piece of information that if it turns out that it has something to do with an actual person, and it turned out that they were just tormenting her or teasing her or whatever, that we would squish it big time. Because I told her we're not wanting to exploit something like that. So I'll go on. There's a few minutes left of what he's got. I really wanted you guys to hear the very last thing that he tells me about, because this is the one where I made him tell me and let me record it, because it was pretty profound. It really hit home for me. Pretty close to here, there's three mounds. They call them the witches mounds. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Okay. Where did that come from? Remember the witches tree? For years, they tried to cut that damn thing down. Machine. Like big industrial machines get there, they start working on something breaks. They never could cut it down. And then finally they got it down. So I don't know. Let's see again, going off with something we talked about earlier today. Skinwalkers.

Participant #1:
My grandfather's grandmother was not her. She was a Mohawk Indian, and she would tell him stories about in walkers. Right?

Participant #1:
He said he thought they were bedtime stories, but now he knows difference. That was it. That was it. Wouldn't go into detail. Like, I did try to ask him, and he said that's all. He just went silent, and it was obvious he didn't want to tell me anymore. He passed away now, so I'll never know. But I would like to have known if he actually did see one, because I think he. Did the last one. This one was a very good one about my grandpa. Again, I'm a firm believer the dad can speak to you in your dreams. I was going through my divorce and a bunch of other stuff that was kind of I was depressed. I just didn't want to I wanted to crawl in a hole and just in my dream, it was like I was in my dream. I was asleep in my dream, and I woke up, and he was standing over me, standing, which was crazy because he was in a wheelchair and had an oxygen tank on this. And he just said, everything's going to be okay. I love you. And then I woke up. It was like it felt good because he told me what he said, but then, did you make it into heaven, or you stuck here? And that was kind of sad, but well, he was right. Everything's great now. Yeah, everything turned out just how he said. I was just saying earlier is, I understand that whole scenario. It's awesome because for that moment, you're like, you don't even think of it. Like, oh, my God, what are you doing here? You're literally like, oh, there you are. It's weird how your brain does that, but then when you wake up, it's like you have to take the positive from it. But there's that other side of it where I felt like I was losing these people over and over again. And I hated that feeling. It messed me up. It would mess me up for weeks on end. I spent you can ask my friends. There was, like a seven to eight year long period where I was completely withdrawn from everybody, and it was really hard for even my friends to get a hold of me, even family, because this was all going on, and I was kind of like I didn't want to face people. I didn't want to try to explain what was going on. You haven't had these crazy dreams where my relatives are coming and talking to me. How do you even broach that subject? But, yeah, I totally understand that. I definitely appreciate you sharing this shit with me. I know the listeners are going to appreciate it. I enjoy it, too. It was nice not being mocked. I know. Saying it and people not mocking you. Like I said earlier, our thing is it's like a campfire. Yeah. You sit down at the fire, tell your story. That's it. Nobody needs to mock you. You know what I mean? That's kind of the whole point. At what point? What do they say? It takes one eyewitness to put you in prison? Yes. But then when someone says they've seen something, we tear them apart. At what point do we draw the line? When do we stop trusting our fellow man at his word? And that's what I love the show kind of breaches that like, hey, look, we're not doing that, gather around, tell your story, you know what I mean? And we take from it what we will. Like, I know our guy Tyler on the show, he says this could be another puzzle piece that's missing from somebody else's puzzle. So everybody kind of pulls from each other. Kind of like building a community or something. I don't know. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And you'll definitely be hearing this by the next couple of episodes. I'm sure it'll be on there. Yeah. Alright, I'm gonna stop this unless you got anything else you want to add. That's all I got. Awesome. It was really cool Tim would share that stuff, especially the dream thing. It's a very intimate thing, very personal. Yeah, I was really excited to get that. And he was super excited to be able to tell it. He wasn't telling somebody that was just going to sit and make fun of him. Like I'm legitly interested. You know, the shadow people stuff, that's the one that just blows me away at how many people are saying they've seen it. Because I was thought I was kind of crazy growing up because I don't know about you guys, but my shadow guy was always a man in a hat. And it seems like that's like everybody else's. Yeah. When I bought this place, I actually had to change the porch lights because the one was by the front door and the shape of it looked like a man in a hat. And every time me and Sam would walk by, it would let's get rid of that. I understand the man ahead there. That one in particular is so profoundly widespread and it's the same story every time. It doesn't matter who's telling it. It's never malevolent, it's never attacking anybody. It's just there kind of hanging out. That's how Dave said his was. That's how all these other people I see memes. Like if he saw this, it would be whatever on Facebook and you would see 200 comments and nobody is mocking anybody else. It's all myself. And it's always the same thing. And the meme looks like what I've seen that's the thing is weird. It's like, how can somebody just take something that I know that wasn't tangible, but I've seen it and turn it into a piece of art? And all these other people go, yeah, that's the one I saw too. Yeah, it's crazy. The shadow people, the shadow children, the man in the hat. The more you dig, the more you find. And the more you find, the more it's like, damn, dude. Really? Especially when the little details start to emerge. Like lesser known details, you know what I mean? Yeah. That's when I think it starts to get more and more crazy. I was having a conversation, me and Tim, all day the other day. We just talked about this stuff all day. We're just bouncing all these things off each other. And I told him that what gets me is when you're investigating something and you get to say two different eyewitnesses with multiple levels of separation between the two. And it isn't the big of similarities that get me. It's always the small ones. The very easily overlooked similarities in the story is usually where I am like, okay, does everybody notice that? You know what I mean? Little stuff like that. I do the same thing in regards, like, encrypted. I don't know. Little details are what's going to bring answers, in my opinion. Right? I don't know. Who was it? I can't remember. Somebody I know had told me outside of this group had literally said that they think they've seen a man in the hat. But they gave me a really, really descriptive, like, the way they described it, the hat itself, and then all the way down to what they thought the shape of the boots were. Because I think it might have been Scott that said it. I can't remember. Scott talked about it on an episode. Under the impression of the Headstyle was like, hopefully our listeners are some country fans. Montgomery Gentry

Participant #1:
esteban Hat. I would describe it yeah, I would describe it like an infomercial one. Right. To me, it was like if I was to say to you, picture a 1920 straw boss, you know what I mean? It's like borderline between Western and religious. Yeah, okay. An Amish head is more like what I was like depicting. But I think the Amish it's not flat. The one I'm thinking of is flat. I think Amish has, like a rounded top, right? If I'm thinking of it correctly. But I wanted to kind of go back. He said something about he was hearing sounding like kids outside when he was either in his room, I think it said, yeah, there's another scenario at the house. But I was with my other friend Josh. Not this Josh. This was folks, this was before I actually met Josh here. But we were just sitting there and we heard voices outside. It sounded like it was coming behind us and where our couch was. It was like, to the wall and then right behind it was outside. And then I went outside. I was, like, looking around, and I even kind of yelled. I was like, hey, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Blah, blah, blah. Hear me, hear me. And I feel like my voice carried enough. And I came back in and I was like, did you hear me? He's like you said something. If he couldn't hear my voice, how could we heard any children walking around outside talking? So that was another scenario. That was pretty it was pretty weird. Yeah. I don't know what situation, but I've never actually had a real, like never saw shadow people. I've just had weird experience. That was it off. I told you guys the one story that I had when I went to the Hayswood hospital, we saw me and the other Josh, so a gray the way that we try to do it, we all kind of had a reaction and we're like and then he's like, Shut up. Don't say anything. Pull your phones out. And at that time, it took us a bit. We wasn't the savvy astex. And that was when there wasn't a full keyboard. It was a you had to work for that shit. Yeah. Texy texty, like the regular way, the old way of phone call still made more sense. Yeah. So he's like, write it out and we'll go from there. Compare. I wouldn't say all of our questions, like, what we wrote down were the same exact but we got the meat. I want to say the meat part, like, really? To the t. Yeah. Similar. Yeah, we both said that. We both said it was on the left side of the window, bottom corner. It looks like a small gray child having his hand outside the window and he's kind of peeking out. But we all didn't get like creepy vibes. We got curious. Like he was wondering what we were doing there. And this was actually in the case of the Dead hour. It was like 03:00 in the morning

Participant #1:
for the most part. Just once I want to be haunted at 03:00 p.m.. I just want to go somewhere in the daytime and be haunted at 03:00 in the afternoon. That's all I'm asking. It can't always be in the middle of the night. Since we were talking about hats, I actually thought it was really cool because my element, everybody seen I think it was on Ghost Adventures because they went to Bobby Mackie so many times. So they had a bunch of stories that were told to him. I think it was on Ghost Avengers. It might have been something else, another documentary of Bobby Mackeys. But the guy that apparently got the shit kicked out of him in the bathroom was my elementary school's janitor. No kidding? Yeah. He said the guy was wearing a bowler hat. He was in the bathroom. And the guy just keeps I think he said he just started to fight him. I remember being a whisper, kept saying tigame tigame. Okay. Yeah. It's been forever since I've actually seen the video of him telling the story. But I don't know what the significance of the hat is. I don't know if it's just a yeah, you said a bowler hat. So that was the first time. Because every time somebody talks about a shadow person, they always it's like this kind of embellished hat I don't understand. I was looking up pictures to try to get a better description, and it's kind of like a cross between the really creepy guy from Poltergeist and Jebus Creepers. Okay. It's like Poltergeist, but like you said, almost like super embellished brim where it's like almost shoulder width. Yeah, that's why I never understood the whole boulder head. Like, man, unless you saw almost a full apparition, how could you have known that that was a bowler hat? I would have just thought it was a bald ghost. Yeah, because the bowler hat, it doesn't have that defined brim. It's curled and it's rounded. You guys just reminded me today when I was at the bowling alley up here, pretty close to us, I had to ask because when I'm there, it's not open really to the public yet. So it's big, very creepy, very dark places. Creepy even when it's full of people. Yeah. So I asked the big Hawks there. I was like, hey, man, I got to know, is there any good ghost stories here? And he looked me right in the eye and he goes, sometimes I even sleep here, and I've never seen anything. And I'm literally like, okay, you got me. And he's like, but there's another guy. And he gave me the guy's name to follow up. He said, there's another guy that has one hell of a ghost story in regards to that place in particular. And he's like, he told me when to come up, what night the guy will be there and his name. So I could maybe get him on tape or talk to him. They said he's not shy about telling the story. Like he whatever happened, it affected him. I don't know. But the guy who I was talking to was pretty much saying, like, he even sleeps there sometimes. And he's nothing in all of his years he's ever seen. Right. Pretty cool. Same with the carry out, mike's, carry out up there, by the way, sponsor Rolling Rock is there. Yeah, they're not sponsoring this, but they carry a lot of beers. We like, there's a pretty interesting story coming out of there that I'm working on all the details and another recording kind of like today's that I shared with you guys. Sometimes it's easier. Sometimes it's easier to just be like, hey, can I get a statement? Can you tell me about this? And I'll record it and share it with the guys and give us stuff to riff back and forth on. When they first told me, I was like, that happened here, okay. Oh, my God. It was one of those stories. So hopefully within the next couple of weeks, I'll have that all the juicy deeds for you guys. It's going to be pretty fun. Guys, we're at like an hour here on this show, so I don't know if you guys want to let these guys have their episode. I don't know how the hell I'm going to put this together. There might be a delay on the video part of this, but we got it. We got video. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what we're going to do next, but we got it. Guys, out there for a treat. Yeah. And those of you listening on the podcast platforms that can't see us pop over to YouTube? Yeah, just for a minute. Hop over, say hi. Just come say hi because we've got a problem with YouTube people disappearing. Yeah, I don't think they're getting the what do you call it? They're not getting the notifications. I think that all of the people that used to be there, they used to listen to every episode are slowly being sucked into the void. That is not Wyoming. Oh, God. The not Wyoming. And they're just disappearing. That's the only explanation I can come up with. I'm just saying we're going to have to do something eventually. This feels like it's going to become a cold. It just has that feel. I don't know what it is. I'm like I'm finding myself wanting to join already and there's like it's not even a thing yet. You know what I mean? Right. I'm ready. Let's do this. I don't believe in Miami. All right, you guys out there listening at home or maybe watching this, I don't know. You take care of each other and we'll see you on the next one. See ya!