Dec. 21, 2020

Lee Woods and the Old Man of the Forest #Bigfoot #sasquatch #encounters # #Uwharrie #NorthCarolina

In this episode we got the chance to talk to Lee Woods - an avid sasquatch researcher. His stories of encounters will raise the hair on the back of your neck (They did mine!)
Lee's youtube links are below and we highly reccommend you check them out!...

In this episode we got the chance to talk to Lee Woods - an avid sasquatch researcher. His stories of encounters will raise the hair on the back of your neck (They did mine!)
Lee's youtube links are below and we highly reccommend you check them out!

Lee's Channel :

Lee's website:

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Participant #1:
What are we talking about tonight? Today night, we're going to be leaving kentucky. Oh, we are? Well, not us, but the listeners. Oh, dang. They'll be leaving Kentucky. I thought I was going to get dressed up. Here's the thing. I actually found the guy on a kentucky facebook group for kentucky sasquatch sightings. So tonight is all about our good friend sasquatch. Here's the fun part. I thought that because the YouTube video link that came through, the guy who's going to be on tonight, I thought he was in kentucky, but it turns out he is not. He's in north carolina. And because of the format we wanted to go with, we wanted to primarily stay in kentucky. And whatnot for tonight, we're going to be extending into our neighboring states a little bit. And I thought, well, we could go two different ways. One way we could go, hey, this isn't in Kentucky. Let's go ahead and cancel this, and let's wait and let's find somebody in kentucky. But then getting to think about it, it's like, hey, you know what? We got lots of people with the same topic sasquatch, bigfoot, whatever you want to call it yeti here in kentucky. But we also have in a neighboring state, we have someone with some amazing YouTube videos, encounters, evidence that he's found. And I thought, what the hell? Let's go on a field trip. Let's go on a field trip to north carolina to talk to mr. Lee woods and talk to him about his YouTube channel, what he's seeing over there, what's going on? You know, just let's get to the bottom of it with him. Let's hear his story, and then when we come back to kentucky and talk about sasquatch and bigfoot, whatever you want to call it, maybe we can find some similarities between what people are seeing here in Kentucky to what mr. Lee is seeing over in north carolina. That's just my idea. Yeah, I'm just thinking the same way I was thinking about it, because they say that these animals migrate. Like, they don't stay in one spot so long. So, hey, it's true. They're pretty close. It's interesting, you had this conversation this morning when we were out and about, and we were talking about how coming into this topic and this research, I was actually brought into this research for this topic because of something else that had happened a long time ago, and I didn't seek out sasquatch. I literally landed in sasquatch. Basically, the topic of sasquatch, I landed in it. I can't say that I was a huge, bigfoot enthusiast, and I wasn't a sasquatch enthusiast at all. 50 50 how'd you say it? I wasn't on the fence yet. I was leaning up against it. Yeah, you didn't want to, like, take that take that leap and say, I believed in it, or I didn't believe in it. But you're at least on one side of the fence, though. And even now, with the purpose of this podcast. I don't want to sit here and say that I 100% believe that there is a Sasquatch out there. I'm not going to say that I don't want to influence anybody's opinions, even if it's by happenstance. All I'm going to say is I came into this leaning against the fence, like you said. But the more I read and the more I research, and I'm starting to notice little patterns to this. I'm beginning to suspect that people are seeing something. I don't know what. And I'm no expert, and I'm definitely not going to sit here and say that it's without a doubt the Sasquatch. But at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and say that these people aren't seeing what they're seeing. There's too many there's just too many sightings. And I watched a video the other day that a man said something brilliant, and I thought, wow, I got to lock that one in. He said, there's hundreds of thousands of sightings and stories. It only takes one of them to be real. If you really think about that, when you go into the subject, you always see things where it's like, oh, God, everybody and their brother has seen Sasquatch and had dinner with them and had them over for Thanksgiving. It's getting so old. There's so many sasquatch stories. But if you actually look at the actual statistics, it's not that many people. It's only a fraction of the population. It isn't everybody and their brother. And most of these guys don't want to talk about it. They don't want to reach out and say, like, yeah, I saw something I can't explain, because they don't want to be ridiculed. They don't want to be a Sasquatcher or whatever it is. You know, you call it a Sasquatch enthusiast or someone who claims to have seen bigfoot. They don't want to be that for whatever reason, and that's fine. But there's quite a few that have reached out, and they have stories. So you listener, whoever you may be, I ask you tonight, suspend your disbelief. And if you're an enthusiast, I want you to suspend your belief. Get in here in the middle of this with us. Let's sit on both sides of this. Let's sit on the fence together. Let's sit on the fence together, and let's see for ourselves. Is there an unknown primate that we simply don't understand yet, and are we ever going to? There's so many pattern behaviors to it. That's what's interesting to me. Sasquatch apparently has migration pattern. It has behavioral patterns. Certain times a year, you hear about certain types of sightings. Certain geographical locations seem to have significance. I've been recently looking at kind of a trend that I've seen where near water for some reason seems to be more aggressive. When people are on a boat or near water and they encounter one for some reason, it seems to be more of a territorial and aggressive behavior by this creature. And that's interesting to me. Like I said the other day, we talked about Gigantopithecus that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. Someone's going to fact check that. But nature already had a blueprint for this creature. It was already there. So I'm not so sure yet anymore. I'm not so sure what I believe and what I don't know about this particular subject. But let me give a clarification. You don't believe that the Gigantopithecus was a link to us. It was a subspecies of some sort. I'm sure there's a connection, like an evolutionary offshoot, maybe we're all in the same primate family together, but yeah, that's what I'm saying. The way that I would think of it is that if there is some type of primate that's that big, it's more related to the Gigantopithecus than it is us. Probably. Yeah, that's the key. That's what we don't know. Unless we I just don't see the biggest primate that we actually know of is gorillas. And those are huge. Yeah, but they don't get that tall. And the way that their legs well, if you actually see their legs, they're very stubby. They're very small legs. They stand their arms are a lot longer than their legs, or at least it appears to be that way to me. Yeah, they keep them curled up the way that I see them. But he actually made a very valid point. Most primates, except I know that kind of excludes us because we're part of the primate family. But most primates evolved. Like having evolved, they have that up. Yeah, they basically have. How would you say that it's the thumbnail. I don't know the proper term, and I'm sure someone can reach out and let us know, but it's almost as if they have their big toe, is a thumb. Oh, yeah. And when we look at the bigfoot footprints, it's not like that. It's more hominid. It's more like ours. So that right there, even Gigantopithecus had the thumb, toes, other hand. These have more hands like us, don't they? Yeah. We all share a similarity. It could be in between. Recently I watched a video which was really super interesting. It was the eleven most mysterious species of humans that ever existed. And it went into neanderthal. Homo habilis. Yeah. Homo erectus. And then finally in the Homo sapien. But there are so many in the intro. I think I already mentioned the intro, but it kind of showed that for quite a long period of time, several of these groups actually did exist in different places at the same time. We're related to them, but we didn't come from them per se, where we're kind of our own thing, you know, that's what nature does. It lets prototypes come forward. And if that prototype is a good one, then it gets to stay. And if it's not a great one, it'll fade away. And most species on the planet live about a million years. That's give or take. It's extremely hard to get a fossilized. Human remains of a human fossilization is very, very rare. It doesn't actually occur as much as people think. We think, wow, there's dinosaur bones everywhere. There's really not. We only are seeing about 1% of all fossilized things that ever existed. So we don't know how many humanoids lived and died and maybe fossilized or maybe didn't. I think that the answer is going to be in Siberia where they keep pulling things out of the permafrost, the ice. When regards to the Sasquatch or the unknown primate, they have many different names of them. Okay, let's suppose for a second that it's all true. There's a Sasquatch, there's a species, an upright hominid, a primate that's displayed several characteristics that you would look for in a human. One migrational pattern markers, the bending of the breaking of trees. 9ft up in the air. The tree is broken and it's aimed, and then there's a row of them. It's extremely hard to break a tree like that, even for us humans. We have to use tools and try to whatever. Even if you tied a strap to that, more than likely the tree is going to break down here, not 9ft up. That's interesting to me. The other thing too is I said migrational patterns. Then there's the markers, the trees. They pile trees on. And I read somewhere that Native Americans believe that it's a symbol. Each tree that's leaned up in that pattern represents a family member. And they only do it when a baby is born. It's like a celebration. The other thing that I think is interesting is there are stories of I'm actually trying to get her to talk to us, where she was actually lost in the woods in total darkness. A Sasquatch actually helped her out of the woods. It was helping her, but at the same time it was laughing at her because she couldn't see in the dark. And she kept tripping and he kept stopping her and ushering her a different way until she got to safety. And she said that the most interesting part was when it would put her it's hand on her, how big the hand was. She thought a bear got her. She thought, oh, no, bears got me. But it was gentle with her. It wasn't aggressive, it wasn't mean. It was almost as if it was saying, like, look at this little foot. She can't even see in the dark. Look at her tripping. She can't see what she's doing. This is funny. What kind of a creature is walking around out here and can't see? And she doesn't even have much hair. What's up with this? I think what we're seeing in those reports, a child that was taken by a family of them and taken back to where other humans are, to the edge of the forest. They took the child there. That's an interesting story to me, but all those things is that's empathetic intelligence. That's not a dumb animal. That's something that's gotten intelligence maybe primitive compared to our standards of today cell phones and smart TVs and streaming and smart fridges and whatever, edit that out. But this is an animal that's showing compassion and then sometimes showing aggression. It's hard to say. It's an interesting subject, for sure, and there's so many levels to it. I never realized. I never realized in a million years that when you dive into this subject, you're not just diving into jim Bob saw Sasquatch outside of his barn the other night and shot at it with whatever, and it scared the chickens. You're not getting that. You're getting insanely detailed reports where the person explaining it is trying to understand themselves what the hell they saw. And I've been blown away by it. I've been researching it for two weeks now. Like I said, I went into Sasquatch not knowing more than Harry and Henderson's and a couple of things on the Unsolved Mysteries in monster shows. I never really got into finding Bigfoot. I thought it was kind of dumb. Every time they go out there looking for Bigfoot, they never find him. They just look and it always ends the same. I just couldn't get into it because I didn't think it was worthy of the time spent researching it. But I have to say that now I'm leaning differently. I'm feeling differently. There's so much out there. It's awesome. Some really good ones I got into was Les Stroud's, survivor man, Bigfoot. I love that he goes into it with a 50 50 on it. He doesn't go in as a believer or a skeptic. He just kind of goes into it just to see what happens and find out for himself. What was the one thinker Thunker on YouTube. You can look that one up. I like that one a lot because he actually takes all the evidence that he finds and he subjects it to excruciating scientific analysis and some of the things that he's seen and he's analyzed we saw one today we were watching is incredible. Incredible. When it comes with audio and stuff. So many people can do so many things with audio. Coming from that. If I was there, I'd probably give it a little bit more day in court, but it's so hard. But when I actually watched the video, the wave file yeah. It's showing, like, a very distinct pattern. Yeah, distinct pattern. If he could find another scene, like another completely different one, and it was almost identical, he has okay. Yeah, I found that one, too. He's got two of them. Two different ones. That's one of them. He has another one that was I don't know if he found it himself or if he got it from someone. Someone sent it to him. Whatnot? But he put them side by side. They're separated by 1300 miles. And the sounds aren't the same, but they're really close. Like the fingerprint that we just talking about, like the way fingerprint earlier when I was watching it, he actually said that these are close but not the same. But neither are our voices. Our voices are going to be different. He goes, so maybe two different animals. I don't know. This is just one little thing in this world that is the sasquatch phenomenon. I love it. I think it's super interesting. I never was interested in this before, but I found myself just getting just hooked. I want to know more. I was even sitting there one night thinking like, man, I want to go out and look. And I'm like I snapped out of it. Like, what the hell? Am I getting this sucked into this? I have many other things I want to talk about. I'm really excited about going into the dog man, which I find the dog man a lot more scary than I do the sasquatch topic because it's the dog man that's terrifying. I'm ready for Mothman. The mothman. I love these unexplained creatures. I'm not against ghost stories and alien stuff. I want to get into all of it. But these creatures, I think I just have a connection towards the creatures. I'm most interested in them. Maybe it was too much Godzilla.

Participant #1:
I remember our guessing. Yeah, I told him it'd be around six, so give you a few more minutes. Like I said, we'll post edit out our chitchat. Almost six. Almost six. Okay. Well, we could get him in here and get this down. Let me make sure he's ready.

Participant #1:
I'm really excited to talk to him. I've been wanting to. We've had some scheduling difficulties over the last week or two. He's been called in to work and things have been going great. But I'm glad that we're going to get to talk to him. Finally, another one I've been watching. I think I told you about is the home sitting off grid. I just don't know what to make of it. You almost have to just send you a link and just watch a few of them and just see what you think. Honestly, I can't read the guy. He's entertaining is all. Hell, I'll give him that. He is entertaining, but I can't tell if he's the real deal, he's a real sasquatch enthusiast or if he's just having a lot of fun with his

Participant #1:
whatever. But regardless, the channel is really awesome. I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but he got me good the other night with his video. He had a jump scare in this video that just oh, my God. I felt my heart beating. Okay, I'm going to get Leon here. Let's go ahead and start trying this. And we might have there we go.

Participant #1:
Hello? Lee? Yeah. Hey, man. Hey, there he is. What's going on, man? Can you hear us okay? Yeah, I hear. All right, man. So we were actually just on your YouTube. I was just checking it out. I just checked out your one video of the footprint you posted earlier today you told me about. Yeah. So what the hell is going on over there, man? What are you seeing? Well, I've been doing this for about right around 13 years now, and we have seen several of these creatures down there. I mean, there's reports always back, like in the early 50s when it was first seen down there. But as far as me personally, let's see, we saw that one today, but that was like that one we saw today was just I mean, it was quick. I mean, just a few seconds. Yeah, but I've seen one with another guy named Sam and called Sam I am. Okay. That was probably the best one that I've ever actually seen. It come up on us. Really? Yes, sir. Like how close we talking? Let's see, maybe I'm gonna say 35, 40ft. Holy shit. Yeah. How did that feel to be that close? Well, I'm going to be honest with you. We didn't have our weapons on us that night. What happened was we were in a campsite that night and this guy wanted to go squashing with me, so I took him several times and we went out this one area, and we stayed out here for two days straight, and it rained the entire time. Okay. So what we did was we completely surrounded ourselves with tarps, and we put a tarp on top of rain off of it. Sure. So after about two days of rain and it happened on Saturday night about probably between, I'll say ten and 1030 on the left hand side of the forest, he started hearing something. And I said, what are you hearing? He said, Sound like something walking. Well, probably about it wasn't long where I said, now all I can describe was it sounded like it sounded like an elephant coming to the wood. That's exactly what it sounded like. It was tremendously loud, man. It sound like it was breaking trees when it was coming through. That's true. Jesus. So, yeah, but like I said, we've clearly tarped in and we had two holes cutting the tarps because we were looking through night vision in. Now I use a flare of thermal so I can see the body heat. Okay. And so we're sitting there. We heard that, right? Well, all of a sudden we hear it was kind of foggy that night, too. Not real bad, but a little bit of fog. Because like I said, it'd been raining two days. But anyway, we heard it come and it literally walked from the left hand side of the forest to the right hand side. No kidding. Okay. Then once it comes from the left to the right, right where we were parked at, there was like there's some gravel there too. We heard it literally walk on the gravel. And that is one sound I swear to you, I will never forget. Really? Yes. Is the sound of something heavy with, like, rubbery sounding hard feet. I'll never forget that sound, man. Okay. But like I said, we heard it walk off on the gravel, and we thought it was gone. Okay, well, about probably close to less than 20 minutes later, it comes back again, and we heard it come walking back up on the gravel, but when it did, it came up to the side of the tarp where I was sitting. Okay. And so once it was on the other side of the tarp, I could have reached out my hand and touched like that. That's how close it was there. Jesus. But we was behind the tarp. But, I mean, it almost sounded like a big man if he had asthma, it was kind of like he's having trouble breathing. That's what he sounds like. Okay. So it walked in front of us, and at this time, I hadn't seen it yet. Okay? Okay. And Sam's sitting there looking through the night vision. He's sitting there looking. He's like, we can hear it. We can hear it. Why can't we see it? Well, all of a sudden and Sam was sitting beside me, right? And this guy's ex Marine, he's ex military, okay? So he's sitting there looking through night vision. He's like, oh, my God. And I said, what he goes do? He said, lean over. He said, It's was, like, right here in front of me. Okay, well, what we did was we had a tent, a small tent, sit out there in front of us. And we had thought about maybe either trying to stay in that tent after the rank, and we just stayed in two nights. So the tent was ahead of us, right? And that tent, like I said, was we were sitting maybe 35ft at the most. It wasn't very far. Okay? So when I leaned over, I told him. I said, don't move. We were whistling back and forth. I said don't move. The night vision, I said, Let me just keep worse at so when I leaned over, what I saw was I'm trying to describe this it was about probably just a little over seven foot. Okay? Okay. It wasn't big. Now, this was pretty much the first one that I actually seen really, really good. Okay. And when I was thought, you know, when I see one, everybody thinks of Patty from Roger Patterson. Sure. This look no, this looks nothing like her, man. Nothing like her. Really? This thing no, this thing was creepy looking, dude, I'm going to tell you right now, it's creepy looking. It was about, like I said, about seven foot, maybe slow over. It had long, shaggy looking matted hair like a dog. And the one thing I never forget was, you know, when somebody like that, when they break their shoulder, if their shoulder never sits right now, the shoulder's coughed up in the air. Yeah. Okay. That's what this thing looked like. His right shoulder was way up in the air. I don't know if the shoulder been broke or it was just form. I don't know what it was, but that's the one thing I never forget about the creature. Sam said the same thing. It stood there for a few seconds. Okay. Like I said, it wasn't big and bulky. It was tall, but it was slim looking. Not real big, but it did have broad shoulders and had long arms. And it was bent at the knees. Not straight, but bent, like, right behind kneecap and angle, like when it was standing. Okay. Okay. It stood there for a few seconds, and then it went around the tent. And like I said, Sam was here. He tells you it went around the tent, like, three times. Okay? And when it went around the tent, it was slapping the tent with its hand. Every time you go around a tent. I don't think what happened was I don't think he could smell us. He'd been out there for two days. He didn't know he was out there because we were completely Cambodian. You didn't know he was there. He was going around the tent. He was hitting the tent with his hand after about the third time. Now, here's the thing. He never, not one time turned and looked at us. That's why I don't think he knew he was there. He went around the tent the third time when he got to the thing it's been a while back. When he got to the right hand side of the tent. Okay. Yeah. He looked to his right. We saw him. He looked to his left and he lit off this god off the screen and he took off right down the forest. Okay? Yes. That's been the best one I've ever seen. I've seen them on flare, I've seen them on video, but that's the best one I've ever seen. And today, like I said, I just went out to an area yesterday and I put the digital recorder out and I told about the loggers encounter that I heard. Yeah, I checked that one out and I went back this morning. But yesterday, low water bridge. The bridge was completely underwater, so I knew I couldn't go that way. So I went the other way with the back road. And when I went to back road, when I come around that curve, honest to God, when I come around that curve and I hit that straight point straight ahead, what I saw no light. What I saw was a brownish to black looking figure. And like I said, it was tall. It was tall at stop sign. So is there a bit of seven? Have they ever been do you think it's the same one or is this no, it's totally different area. Yeah, but it was brownish black looking. And like I said, he was at least 75, like I said it's taller than he might have been taller than that sign. But the distance I was looking at, he was there by that sign as tall that sign. Okay. And all I saw it looked to me, it looked like a big head, and it was humpco. Now, I tell you right now, I have seen my share of deer in this country in the woods right there. And I know what a deer looks like even at a quarter of a mile running across the road. This was no deer. And I'm telling you right now, if this was a bear, then this bear was standing on his hind leg, and he was running like a man. Now, this was no bear. Trust me. And I told the stride dude, we found that this morning. This happened 1030 this morning. This wasn't, like, at night time. Yeah, we found him two footprints. That one footprint, it lines up exactly perfect, with the next one going straight up the hill. And I tried twice to do the actual walk. Like, I couldn't do it, man. There's no way. I've seen a couple of videos, especially I don't know how you feel about todd standing, but I watched a video that he had where he caught a little bit of a clip of one going up a hill. And when I watched it, I couldn't get over the size of the strides compared to the trees next to it. That's the one thing, obviously, in this whole subject, there's a lot of hoaxers, and there's a lot of misinformation. But the one thing that I couldn't get over was, if that's a guy in a suit, how the hell is he taking a step that big? Is he on stilts and going up a snow covered embankment like it's nothing? Yeah, he was running kind of like zigzag going up. Yeah. It's amazing to me. Before we told you, we kind of spoke a little bit on here. You're not talking to just one of us. It's me, danny. I've been talking to you on facebook. We've got tyler here, and my daughter sam is actually here, too. She's interested a lot into the same stuff. Hey, how are you doing? And I kept telling him about you. I was like, you guys got to check this guy out to check out his YouTube. It's awesome. I'm actually new to the subject because years ago, I and a friend of mine, we heard something after hearing a fantastic story from someone else about a creature that was stalking him. And we were all young. We thought he was out of his damn mind, to be quite honest with you. And we were sitting around one night, and we're talking out of nowhere. He literally looks at us, and he goes, I have to go. It's here. And he just left. Really? And we were sitting there, and we were laughing. We had a couple of beers sitting. There. We hadn't even really gotten into drinking yet, you know what I mean? We were just kind of enjoying the night. And it wasn't maybe a couple of minutes later that screen happened. And it wasn't often the distance. Like in some of these YouTube videos that I've checked out. This was 30ft away. Oh, yeah. And I'll be honest with you, it scared the shit out of us for years, this guy's story, he kept describing it as a demon coming after him. And I searched for years of stories around here about some demon, and I never found anything. In one day. I happened upon a YouTube video that says, sasquatch screams in the distance. I press play and I listen. And all the hair on the back of my neck stands up. There's the sound again. Holy shit. Oh, yeah, dude. I'm brand new into this field. I can't tell you I'm an expert. I know less than anybody about this, probably, but I know what I heard that night, and that's what's led me to you. I've been on your YouTube and I've checked out your videos, and I find it fascinating. What got you into this? What started this for you? Well, truthfully, when I was ten years old, okay, I had an account with my dad, and the creature was actually the videos on my YouTube channel. We actually talked about what happened on what happened, what I see, the creature was looking in the window at my grandma and me and my dad went outside because she woke up. My dad's name was Robert, and she woke him up. She said, Robert, there's a man looking in the window. My dad was like, I ain't nobody looking at you going back to sleep. That is about ten years old. So she said no. Robert. She said, there's a man looking at me through the window. And the way I describe it, like I said, if you watch my video, you'll understand it more. We lived in a trailer park. It was called Hillside Trail Park. And there was only like four trailers in there, and it was like the third trailer down. And there was a little big streetlight there, and it didn't give off a whole lot of light, but it gave off enough so you can see just a little bit. Well, the way the trailers were set, they were instead of being like, straight, there were a long way. So our trailer basically, if you looked at the back glass, you were looking down a hill and you're looking at the forest. Okay, okay. Well, for a while there, I don't know what it was. I never really saw it up until I'm like my dad. I always had this weird feeling that there was something in the forest watching me, because there was like an old bob wire fence there, and it was like an old cow pasture, but there was nothing out there. And I remember going after one time, and I was walking up down that bob wire fence. I remember I had a stick and I was sitting stick with the bob wire, and all of a sudden I could hear something walking. So when I would walk, he'd walk when I'd stopped and stopped and had done that several times. So I was running up here and looked out at the back glass, and I was going to see something. But it wasn't too long after that is when that night we had with my grandma. And like I said, when she told my dad that, my dad got up and he grabbed me while he took me with him, I have no idea. But my dad had like an old 22 pistol. Okay. Yeah. So he said, Come on. So you grabbed me and we went out the front door and went to the left, went around the trailer. Like I said, the street light that was there, you could see just a little bit, couldn't see a whole lot. Okay. But so we hit the corner of that trailer, looking straight at the back end of the trailer. I'll never forget it. There stood a tall, slim, black figure. Okay. Now think about it. Was where the trailer was, at the very back end of the trailer. It started going downhill just soon, so we can only see maybe, I'm going to say between sheen up. Okay? Okay. But at that distance, it was at least over seven foot, and we were looking right at it, and it was pitched black. I mean, it was a silhouette of a black figure. Okay, well, my dad, he hauled out and he said onto the yard. He said, but you burg it out here, I got a gun. He didn't move. My dad hauled again. He said, Listen, he's going to tell you one more time, you burn it out of here, I'll shoot you. He didn't move. When my dad held the thing up in there, he fired twice. The thing still did not move. After a few seconds, it turned real slow and we watched it walk down the hill. Okay? Yeah. Now that was my very first encounter with this creature. And I'm pretty sure that was a creature, that's what it was. Because the next day we went out there and where the window to my grandma's, to the window of the trailer. And the more I think about it, I thought about it these years, I would literally have to stand on a five gallon bucket, just even look in the window, right? So that was my very first encounter. And, you know, years went by. Years went by. I said, I really got out of it, but I didn't really get a lot of thought. Still liked it. And then I heard about you worry, so I got my son, and my son started doing his first time with me. And I told him, I said, let's just get out there and see what happens, right? Yeah. So we went down there, and we couldn't find a good location because there's different areas down there that have activity. Not all of them different areas. So we go down there to a couple of them. Nothing happened. And then we went into this one area and we were sitting and it wasn't that late at night. We were sitting in the back of my truck. It's probably between 930 and 940. And we're sitting there stars. And there's absolutely nobody in the park, it's just us. And it's not a real big park either. So we're sitting there, and on the right hand side of me, something went just like that. And my son looked at me and he said, did you hear that? And I said, that's what I heard. So a few seconds went by. Nothing. About 5 minutes went by, nothing. About 10 minutes go by and we hear it again. He goes just like that. But when it did, at that time, something on the left hand side of the forest went and started arguing with it. I've heard theories that the Whooping sound is like a scout or what do they call it? A day watcher. Like a signal? Yes. Like they're letting them know, like, hey, there's humans near you might want to make yourself scarce or something. I don't know yet. So that's how it all started for me, right there. Like I said, that's when I got back into it. Yeah, that started right there. Because I wasn't exactly sure what we were hearing, but I knew for a fact that whatever was answering that call wasn't coming from nobody. And we've been down there before, me and my son, exact same area. A few years after that, we were standing around the fire and all of a sudden from behind us in the forest, we heard two times. It sounded like an old man talking, but you couldn't understand him. Nothing. It was like just like that. Okay. But real things, almost like it's coming out of grave. I've heard of that too, the vocalizations and whatnot. It almost sounds like it sounds like a primitive human starting to learn how to speak. Yeah. Yeah. Very interesting. And it just started the whole thing for you? Yeah, that pretty much started the whole thing. And then, like, I stayed in that one area for about two years. I get under every weekend. And then I started researching some other areas. And then that one area that I used to use all the time, it got to the point where when they had that show, that fake finding bigfoot, they never find another. People came in there, they did that show, and they just took over that area pretty much. You go out there now and you try to do some research, and there might be somebody in the woods up for hollering screaming just to mess with. You don't know so that's why I left that area, and I started researching other areas in Worry. And like I said, I don't tell nobody where I go. Nobody knows where I go except maybe just handful of people. That's probably best, though. It is. And where I go, there's nobody around me, so I got to worry about nobody. People are like, well, how do you know if you find a track that is a real here's the difference. If you're walking on a trail, just a perfect trail, and you see a footprint in the one place, they want you to find it. Okay. But if you're walking out in the forest or you're off the trail for two or 3 miles and you're doing and you come across a track in the middle of nowhere, you best believe that's our grill. Okay. Because there's no way if somebody wanted to take a track, they're going to walk 3 miles out in the forest and hope of God someone's going to come across it. Right. With weather, the weather, there's no way the track will be tore up for you. I've got to it. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. I noticed when I went through your videos and I was checking them out, fantastic stuff. I appreciate the Old man is a theme that comes up, the Old Man of the Forest. The Old man in the forest. And as soon as I read it, I'll admit it had me right away. I was in. I didn't know what you had in store for me, but I was in right then. Yeah. Can you tell us more about the old man in the story? Yes, that actually happened with me and Sam. Now, Sam saw him. I didn't. I have yet to this day to see the old man in the forest, but he has been seen down there several times. He's not real big. He's around 65, just a little more. And he's completely covered in silver gray looking hair. That's why I called the old man of the forest. Now, when me and Sam was down there, we were down there for two nights, friday night and Saturday night again before, but this time it wasn't raining, and we were about five and a half to 6 miles back on this old dirt road, Logan Road based. We park, and we walked up this long hill, I don't know, maybe close the length of a football field. Okay, okay. And we go up there. We set up this is on Friday. So we get out there, we set our chains up, we build a fire, and we're sitting around talking. Well, right straight ahead of us, I will say probably about maybe 120ft, maybe, we started hearing something that sounded like a baby deer. It was going like that and saying, look at me. And he said, did you see a deer come in here when we was in here? And I said, no, we didn't I mean, it's a big open area, so if anything is after moving, we'd see it. But also, too, we had a storm come through. There's a lot of trees and a lot of brush down also. So about maybe 15, 20 minutes goes by, it does it again. And Sam looked at me, he said, I'm telling you right now, he says, that does that again. He stumble, walked down there. I said, all right, so maybe 30 minutes go by and it did it again. Just as soon as they did it, Sam jumped up. And like I said, I didn't have a weapon on me at that time either. Sam grabbed a flashlight, the only flashlight we had. He grabbed a flashlight. I know he took off, and I cut my phone on my phone. So he took off running down there, and I was like, Hold on, dude. I went behind. Yeah, because the one thing about that area is it's full of holes, leg breakers, you break your neck real quick. So we went down there, right? Right. And we got just about to where we heard that sound, and when we got there, the thing went like that again. And when it did, honest to God, dude, you could hear it get up off the ground because it sounded like it was under some brush, like a pile of brush. You could hear that pile of brush coming up off the ground. And it was loud, which is as soon as we heard that, we were like, where? It took off walking. Okay, so it took off and Sam took off after he just running, come on, come on. I'm like, Hold on, dude, I'm right behind you. And I'm going to lie. I was trying to get behind. I hit a hole and I fell. I got right back up. Okay, well, Sam was probably almost 60, 70ft ahead of me, okay? When he gets the top of the hill, like I said, I'm right behind him. About 60ft, he started hollering, oh, my God. Oh, my God. Did you see it? Now, here's where I tell you this, though. When I had not told Sam about the old man forest, not yet, I never described him to him or nothing else. He did not know about that. So he said, oh, my God, did you see it? Did you see it? And I said, what did you see? He said, you didn't see it? And I said no. What did you see? He said, dude. He said, you see that big tree right there? I said yes. He said, do you see that tree right there's? Got the fork in it? I said yes. He said, do you see that tree right there? I said yeah. And he said, man. He said, I saw something walk from that tree to that tree. And when it went to that tree, he said, it cut and it went up to the back. And I said, really? He said, yes. I said, what it looked like, and I thought he was going to say brown or black looking. He said, it was silver and gray. And I said what'd you say? He said, it was silver's, gray looking. And I said, Wait a minute. I said, what was it built like? I said, Was it a deer? He said no, dude. He said no. He said, this was not a deer. He said, I saw a big hit. He said this thing was humped over. He said, I saw arm swinging. Okay. Now, after that happened, we sat down and I told him. I said, you know, there's a story down here about what they call the old man Forrest. And I described it to him, and he looked at me and I'm tea right now, man. This guy turned white as a ghost. He said, are you serious? And I said, yeah. He said, So do you think what I just saw was that? And I said, you described it to a T, dude, and I hadn't told you about it yet. When we set up the rest of the night at about 04:00 in the morning, off behind us, we hear he was still there behind us. So he came back? Yes, sir. He came back? Yes, sir. Maybe he was out there checking you guys. Yes, that's the Old Man in the forest. And like, he's been seen down there a while. When you walked up on him and he was down in the weeds, what do you think? Maybe you woke him up or was he napping? I think we started him okay, because I don't think that he was expecting us to walk down there. Was he trying to bait you out? Well, no. I think what we think was the next morning when we got out and here's, nothing too. Okay. Before any of this happened, like I said, sam, he's ex military, right? Yeah. He said, I want to set up trip wires. So we went around. It was probably close to maybe 100 yards, and we set up trip wires everywhere, and we had little bells on them. Okay. Okay. So on the left hand side of where we were sitting, sam's tent was close to this little busy bank. But we're right behind in a bank when he had one of the tripwires with a little green bell. So that night we got in our tents probably about 05:00 in the morning, and we laid near our staff, and I got out. So I brushed my teeth and Sam got out. He's staring, looking at me, and he said, Lee. I said come here. I went over there and looked, and behind his tent on an embankment, the trip wire was broke, the little green bell was gone, and there was a footprint where, like it was standing, looking right dead at Sam's tent. Okay? Yeah. So we think what happened was right after we saw that the next morning we were standing there and all of a sudden, down on the right hand side of us, we saw like a big dough and a bunch of small ones. So we think what happened was the old man in the forest was following them. And when we got in there, he just hunkered down because he didn't want to move because he was in there. So he was hunting? Yes, he was hunting in beer is exactly what we're thinking. And like I said, when we got in there, he got to the point where it was like, I don't want to go to work if I do want to be seen. And I guess he figured once it got dark, we wouldn't see him. And if we hadn't literally walked down there to where he was at, I don't think he would even got up and took off. It's interesting here in Kentucky, there's not a whole lot of large predators for deer. We have the occasional groups of coyotes, things like that, but they primarily go after smaller things, helpless farm animals, chickens, things like that, the usual. But I've been walking in the woods before, and I've come across almost complete skeletons of deers that have been just laying there. And I always found it kind of strange because the places I go walking are family. It's all family owned around 89 acres, and several parts of my family live all over. But there's still a lot of woods there. And it's always kind of strange when you come across a large animal that basically looks like it's being killed, you know what I mean? Or whatever, or fell down dead, but it's mostly intact. Yeah, that's something I've always wondered about was I heard an argument years ago, just in passing, people were arguing about the existence or non existence of the unknown primate bigfoot, and they said, well, what the hell is a primate going to eat in North America? And then you can't help but to say like, well, I don't think that's the problem of the whole question. I think that the real problem is what isn't it going to eat? I mean, a large omnivore should be able to make it in this country better than almost any, I'd say. Oh, yeah. There's lots of prey animals, big and small, you can forage we have more undeveloped land in between than anybody does. So to me, it seems maybe probable that large primate could stay pretty hidden, especially if they know about us and they're wary of us. Oh, yeah, and I don't believe I mean, I know people talk about cases and stuff. We've got some caves down here, but I don't think they live in the caves. I never have. I think they live underground, they tunnel on the ground. That's what I'm thinking they're at, really. Like they dig under or do you think they have spots that they dig under? I think they do. Okay. There's a reason I believe that now. That one commented man's forests. That one video I did about the cave, there was a hunger years ago that literally saw what he described as being a gray, silver looking, upright, bipedal creature dragging a deer out of that cave and going up the hill with it. No kidding? No, the videos on my YouTube channel. Yeah, okay. But no. I've always believed that they were underground. And I used to be with a group called Bigfoot 911. And I've been to two of the big they call them the Bigfoot festivals in Maryland, North Carolina. The first year we did it, we had 37,000 people. The second year we did it, we got like 50,000 people. And I know a lot to you. I met people from all over the world who knew who I was. Bigfoot, yeah. Watching my videos, and they follow me left and right. The first year we've done it, I swear to God, I shook hands for 8 hours. I'm sure I have 30,000 hands. And people are like, oh my God, I can't believe it's you. And I'm like, yeah, it's me. I believe that. As soon as I got on your channel, like I said earlier, I was hooked from the get go. It was more along the lines of, you see all these productions about bigfoot and sasquatch and what not, and some of them are just over produced and it's made to be dramatic. And then here I I come, come across yours, and what I get is an everyday guy who's talking to me like a human being and telling me about what you've experienced and what you've done out there and the things that you've found. And honestly, it's awesome. I appreciate it, really. That's why I tip when I do my videos. My videos aren't fancy. There's nothing great about them. It's just me doing this and it is what it is. But now the subject of them, I think, living underground. I met a lady at the Bigfoot festival the first year we did this, and this woman didn't know me from Adam. He was an Indian lady. I think she was Navajo, if I'm mistaken. She come up and she was short. I'm right at six foot. She was like, on this, I guess, like this reservation. But she said that where their house was that the woodland was, like, not too far from the house. But they would always tell the kids, don't go in the forest because I can't think what she called it, scoot them. I think maybe what she called like, the mountain devil said that the scooping would get you okay, okay. So she said they were worn for years and years. Do not go in the forest. I've heard that before. So she said that one day being nine years old and being bored, she said I walked out there. She said my mom was out there doing something. She said she walked in the house. She said, so I just walked out in the woods. And she said I didn't go far. She said I can still see my house. She said I walked out there. And she said I was just in there playing with sticks. And she said, but behind me she said, I heard some movement. Okay. And she told me, she said, kind of like I say in my videos, if you believe me, you do you don't that's follow me. I don't really care. But when I turned around, she said the ground she said I saw something standing up out of the ground. She said it looked like the ground just opened up like a lid. It came up out of the ground. She said this thing jumped up out of the ground and started towards her. She said she started screaming bloody murder and she took off running. She says her mom hurt her, so she came out of the door and she said her mom was screaming, run, runs behind me. She said I never turned around and looked yet. She said, but the only thing that saved me, she said this thing literally grabbed my shirt. And she said, you know, us being poor. She said what little hat on wouldn't hold to it. She said it ripped my shirt trying to pull me backwards from the shoulder. She said when I got out of the wood line and I got to my mom, she said when I turned around, she said this thing was standing at the edge of the wood line. It would not come out of the forest. She said it would not come out of the woods at all. Wouldn't come into the clear. No, it would not come into the clear. She said exactly what she said. She said we stood there and looked at it for probably she said maybe a minute or two. She said it turned and it went walking back. She said, but then it stopped and it turned back around and looked to make sure I wasn't coming back in the woods. She said it turned back around. It started walking and she said, oh to God. She said this thing squatted down. She said then it took both hands and it like, stuck his hands in, like, the dirt in the ground. And she said he was moving his arms up and down and she said the ground came up and she said he shot wrapped down on the ground. Wow. Yeah, I have not heard that one before, the underground thing. But that's interesting going come back around to Todd standing, he had a video where it did look like one came running across the hill and then it went straight down into the ground and it just gone and they're walking all around it trying to figure it out and it's amazing. Yeah, and I've always thought that a little bit because we got cave systems. Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe they use the caves, but I believe they use them more or less to get out of the weather, get out of the rain, get out of storms, or to just trying to hunker down. I believe that's what they do. But as far as actually where they stay at, I do believe that they are underground, I really do. You're in North Carolina, we're over here in Kentucky, me and Tyler, we were actually talking about our cave system. We have a famous cave system down here called Mammoth Cave. Oh yeah? And it goes for how far does it go? It said that it was around 400 miles and they said that there might be another six unmapped. Yeah, it's just an incredible cave system and lately when we've been starting to research this stuff, we've come across quite a bit of Sasquatch reports that come from that area. Oh yeah, I mean what you're saying it sounds to me like it makes sense. I mean that's a massive cave system that we've barely even broke the surface, no pun intended, but that blows my mind, to be honest with you, that they might be underground and it makes a lot of things make more sense. I've seen where people have tried to go, they've tried to take night vision and thermals and floor and they've gone into the woods and they're not seeing nothing or they might see a little bit of something and then it's just gone. That's it. And it's going underground. That makes a lot of sense to me. Oh yeah, because I was watching a bigfoot documentary. I mean I watched it like it all time now. It was about probably five or six years ago I was watching one and I can't think what the guy's name was, but he said the same thing that I was thinking. He said people are always looking for these creatures in caves and up top. He said, how about looking underground for them? And I was like, oh my God, you said exact same thing that I've been thinking all these years. That's a staggering idea too. I mean, where would you even begin? Well, you know, I heard somebody say what was the guy's name? I think it was out of Georgia. He said that he believes now, this is thought speculation because I'm going. To tell you right now, there is no such thing as a bigfoot expert. I don't care who you are, unless you're living with them. Twenty four, seven. You know exactly what they're doing, how they're eating, where they're burying their food, whatever. You're not a bigfoot expert. You're just a researcher like I am and put the puzzle pieces together. That's it. That's a lot of wisdom you just dropped on us just now. I just want you to know that. But this guy said he said, I'm pleased. I'm not an expert, he said. But he believed that now. He believes they bury their dead. Me, I believe that they eat their dead. Yes. Because this creature, it's like anything else in the forest if you've only got so much to eat. Hey, if little Johnny dies, guess what? We can't find something neat. Little Johnny's on the menu tonight. That's all I'm saying. And how do you explain that? If you're in the Sasquatch group and you come back without Bob? That's right. And everybody saw you leave with Bob, and they kind of look at you and you kind of shrug. Watch your mouth. Well, Bob got into a little dispute. There's still some Bob left, if you guys want some. I mean, I don't know. There's a little bob left. Yeah. He believes they bury him, and he believes they push a tree over on top of the ground where they bury them. And, you know, it's weird when he said that, because in my area and you are ever since he said that, I'm always looking. I always look for but us. You could hear what sounded like somebody dragging a big heavy cow chain in the middle of the forest. And you literally, you could tell it was a big heavy chain. It was dragging it, making that sound, dragging it across the ground, and it would drop it. A stupid stuff like that. Every once in a while, I'll find a tree that's, like, been pushed over. It's failed. And you can see a big dirt mound underneath up it. And I'm like, oh, my God, I almost got to bring a shovel one day and start digging. I've been researching the tree thing, and I've seen where some people I even touched on a little bit before we called you about the broken off trees. Kind of like a navigational marker. Oh, yeah. What do you think about that? Where do you stand on that one? I do believe that's what it is because I'm now seeing some weird stuff when it comes to trees. And it's weird just like, okay, I know what wind damage looks like. I know what snowfall looks like. When you come across, let's say, like, for example, this happened a few years ago. We were out there, and I'm talking to middle of nowhere, right? And there was like seven or eight trees all bound up together. We've been the top and everything else, and not one of the tree around it was like that. Okay, okay. And it looked like the way it done is like it made a big mess up in the top of it. So you can just literally sit up there and look around. Okay, but I've come across trees. The tree bits, big rounds. My forearm, right? Yeah. And it's broken down. But it's twisted. Not just snap. This thing is literally twisted around two or three times. Something grabbed it and twisted it. Yes. And as big as my form. It takes a lot of pressure to do that. Yeah. But it's weird because you'll find a tree and like, this tree will be going to the right and the next one is going to the left. Or you'll find two that's pointing to the right and no other trees around it or even down like that. To me, there are territory markers. It's like, hey, we're going this way, you're going that way. And also what else I find interesting is when you'll find a tree completely bent over to like a U yeah. And the top of it will be driving the ground about twelve inches. Yeah. Really? Okay. Yes. That's amazing. When I'm out of my own property now, I'm going to be literally paranoid looking for this stuff everywhere. And audio. Oh my God. I've got some crazy all. In the last 13 years, I've heard stuff in the woodsman. And sometimes I wonder why I can go back out there. I've heard what sounds like a woman being literally murdered. Dude. I've got my audio. I've got it all here at the house. I've got the sound of what sounds like a woman being murder. I've got what we think pretty much is a female. Every time we go after if we do a certain Yale, she'll answer us two times. She does every single time. I've heard what sounds like if you take big old rocks and you smack them together in the other night yeah, yeah. I've heard the wood knocks on top of woodnocks. There's nothing to do that. But the weirdest thing that I think is probably the second weirdest thing I've ever heard was about, probably nine years ago, at the dead of night, between two and 230 in the morning, I'm sitting there listening to the parabolic dish, right? And all of a sudden and I'm talking in the middle of nowhere, a pitch dark, nobody else around maybe four foot nine. She was short. And she came up to me and she said, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while. She said, because I follow you on the page. I said, I appreciate that. She said, Can I tell you something? She said, I've only told a handful of people. And she said, every time I bring it up so they make fun of me. And I said, I won't make funny. Tell me all you want. She said that when she was nine years old, that it was her and her mom, and they lived few minutes later it picked it back up, drag it, drop it, and it done that for probably 40 minutes until it just completely just went away. I couldn't hear it no more. Okay. Yes. That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. The second weirdest thing I ever heard was we was up on a place, it's called Dark Mountain snow jumping off rock. Yeah. Okay. Now what I'm bad about doing is I love taking my Disney quarter out there and I'll leave it out there overnight for two days. And I'll go back and get it and that's how I can get a lot of my audio. Okay, so we went out to this area in Dark Mountain and we stuck it in this area and we left it out there for two days. Got 48 hours audio. The only two times you hear anybody is when me and my wife left it and when me and my wife came back. And the digital recorder. I don't care what it is. I can pick somebody up, I mean, 500,000 yards away just talking. Because I know when somebody is in the air, you cannot get away from there's no way. Getting away from okay. Okay. Well, on the first night, absolutely nothing. Okay? Yeah. On the second night, around 100 o'clock in the morning, out of the blue, we started hearing what kind of sounded like Indian top, like Native American top. Okay. It was going like, if I can do it, just going like, hey. And it would yell like that. Okay. Okay. Real high pitch. Then you would hear something answering it. And I'm like, Wait a minute, there's nobody out there. Nobody has come in in the last 30 some hours. So where's the sound coming from? Okay, well, maybe 15, 20 minutes. Goodbye. And you hear yeah. And it's really loud. And then all of a sudden you hear some answers like that. And I'm like, no, wait a minute. There's nobody out here. What am I hearing here? Okay, so and this went on for like five or 6 minutes and then it just quit. It just stops. Okay. Well, I sent it to a guy that I know and I told him, I said, Listen to this. I said, Tell me what you do. Well, a few days later he came back to me and he said, man he said, Where'd you get that at? I said, I got that off Dark Mountain. He said, do you realize what that is? And I said, I know it sounds like native American chatter. He said, he's here right now. He said, because this guy is an Indian. He said what we would do when we go out. He said, let's just say we're in a part of the forest. He said that's what they're doing is they're yelling to see where we was at. And we would answer them. I said for real. He said yes. Dude. He said, they're communicating with each other. No kidding? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And I believe what we caught that night was actually two sasquatches, bigfoot whatever you call them actually communicate with each other. And I've never heard that before in my life. And I've never got that sound since. You think they were like, what? Trying to let each other know where they were at to meet up? Exactly. It was weird because it was kind of like a high pitched voice but it's also kind of like a guttural ground but it was gymnast. She couldn't understand nothing they were saying. But it sounded just like Native American talking. Sort of like they were vocalizing what they think were like a parent, almost. Yeah, or maybe I don't know because they will mimic us in a heartbeat. No kidding? Yes. And they're bad about like dogs, especially codies owls don't mimic a Cody and owl the heartbeat. Wow. I don't know why that never really occurred to me. That they mimic other animals around them and people that they overhear. The startling thing there is that how long were they sitting there watching somebody to learn this stuff? Oh, yeah, you watched my YouTube videos, right? Yes. Have you seen the one about the little girl who got missing? Yeah, I did. Yeah. When was that one? That was quite a little bit ago. Yeah, that's been a few months ago. Okay. Yeah, I think I went back and saw that one. Yes. There's a four toed creature. They call them the Wild Mountains Forest. And that was in New York and this was like back in the when this happened. So all this stuff's been going on long before Roger passing 1967. Okay. It sounds like the area that you're in is like a really rich history of this. Oh, it does, man. Now, here's the thing about your worry. If you really don't know nobody down there, nobody wants because they don't know you, they don't trust you. But once you actually get like if they get familiar with you're, like I mean, if they know who you are, I mean, they'll open up to you, man. I mean, they will literally open up to you. Hey, you're the guy who does this or you're the guy who lives in Bigfoot. They do who I am down there. Everybody knows who I am. So they're always like, hey, can we tell you this? You know what's happening? I find out stuff all the time like that. That's awesome. It helps too. I mean, it's helping you build a build kind of what do you call a kind of triangulating your research a bit with having more people willing to talk to you. Oh, yeah, because when I first went down there, they didn't know me from Adam and they wouldn't open up to me at all. And it took about a year for them to get to maybe a year or two years. They finally got the hang of that. I wasn't just trying to bull, I was actually serious about this. And they just started opening up to me. And when they opened up, it was like, hey, it's like a book opened up. Like we had this happen, this happened here, this area. I was learning stuff left and right. I'll be honest, I was actually worried when I reached out to you that you might have thought that I was trying to do that to you. But we are genuinely interested. I think you can tell that we're interested. We love hearing it. I think it's fascinating being kind of a newbie to the topic myself. It's awesome to hear someone who has a long history of doing this, you know? Yeah, well, yeah. I actually wanted to go back a little bit here. We're saying something about the whole like you caught the language, like them trying to talk to each other back and forth. Yes. What I want to know is you were just saying how long was they actually staring at like, people listening, trying to learn this stuff. That's a startling that's like that startling. Do you believe why haven't they tried anything else? Like because a lot of people make fires in the woods. They have to see what they're doing. Have you ever think that they're even trying to go any further with it, learning wise? Yeah, I thought about that and I've had people ask me the same thing about that. Now, I don't know so much if they would go with the fire thing, but as far as stuff they do, I do believe that they make and use tools. Yes, I do. Okay. Yes. And I mean, they're just like private. I mean, they're so close. That's funny because there's a video on YouTube. I think it's a gorilla or Sarang thing. It's one of the other. But this thing knows how to use a lighter and cook marshmallows and build a fire. I've seen the video. It's weird. It's so wild looking. Yeah. What was the primate that actually they just said that they entered the Stone Age. It was a group of chimpanzees making tools and actually organizing themselves and learning. Yes. That's kind of weird. I would like to actually see like man, that would be a great find if you could actually find some type of tool that does not seem like it predates. Like way back when. Like, this is like this was just made. But then again, you're like thinking, how could you tell? Right? How can you tell who made this? We don't know who made this. Or maybe it was a Sasquatch. Yeah, we found some weird looking rocks and stuff out there too. Okay. Yeah, we have too. I assumed ours since the land I was telling you about, my dad grew up there and they would find arrowheads and stuff constantly. And I always assumed that well, it was probably a good hunting place all those many years ago for natives and whatnot. So I never really thought much of it. But I found an interesting rock when we were out there that it fit my hand so perfectly, like a tool that I couldn't get it out of my head. I was sitting there holding it like, this feels too right to not be a tool. Oh, yeah. Every which way we held it, it seemed like it could be used for something. Like it had a sharp edge on one side, a blunt edge on the other, and it was smooth, where you would put your hand. And I'm like, this is weird. Putting in post. I was putting in cedar post, red cedar post for my wife's goat pen, and I dug down probably almost 2ft down on the ground. That's where I found it. So it wasn't like it was laying out in the open. This was hidden by time. And it's interesting. We've got a rock. We found an image too long ago, and it looks just like a darn spearhead, a big spearhead. No kidding. Oh, yeah. It shaped like an arrowhead, but it literally looks like a spearhead. And we looked up some stuff about that one and the rock. That the way that the shape and the way that it looks. It was a detailed as a spearhead, and it dates back, like, 500 million years. It's old, dude. Okay. Yes. Back to what the Indians would do or whatever they would use to kill big animals. With almost wide in my hand, it's big lie. I got a question for you. I just want to get your opinion on this. Are we part of the prey? Like, do you think that we're an opportunity for prey if we encounter one?

Participant #1:
Well, if you come across the wrong one, yeah. Really? Yeah. There's been several reports about them getting people. You ever watched that missing four one one? I haven't, no. I'm really behind on a lot of this stuff. People just banishing the woods. They just get gone for nothing. You know what? Yeah, that does make sense. We hear about missing people a lot. That's the funny thing, too, because we were just talking about the mammoth cave. There's a lot of, like, disappearances around the neighbor, like the neighboring counties around mammoth cave, but everybody kind of chalks it up like it's a cave system. There's so many, like, areas that you could fall off, get lost. So everybody chalks it up to that. But there's been a decent amount of sightings in those areas. Yes, a lot of sightings. Oh, yeah. So you got to ask yourself, do you want to believe that sasquatch came out and took these people, or they just I want to say if there's a decent amount, it could be like it could have happened. But, I mean, that's kind of they say there's maneater bears, there's Mandela sharks. Is there a man eater sasquatch out there that we need to be worried about? I can't say for definite, but they call it like I said, they called scooping the mountain devil because they said he was accountable, he would eat people. Now, there's been several reports that I've heard about. I haven't seen them, but I've heard about him. I've seen, like I've read stuff about where, you know, the sasquatches actually were killed because they were trying to eat people when you attack them. But like I said, with that little girl who got missing, any worry from what they call the wild man in the forest. He took her out of her house. And there were several other children that got missing too. And they believed that he's one that got them too. Wow. Okay. Yeah, I believe all of them are like that, but I do believe that there's a few bad ones out there. Some bad blood. Yeah, just like any kind of like back then, like tribes, like Native American tribes. Do you think that there's, like, factions of each other? These communications that we might be hearing are actually arguments like, hey, stay over there. That you're coming in my area. Different plans of no kidding, really going on. Me, I don't know the guy personally, but there's a guy who's actually researched you worry for freaking years, for 30 or 40 years, and he swears up and down. There's like three sets of cleanse up and got a B and C. The A is kind of like the Patty look. The B is more of like a kind of like the fall of the primate look. And then the third one, the C, is kind of like the dogman. Really? Yes. He believes I'm down. He swears up and down. I've never met this guy, but he swores up and down that he has seen what looks like the dogman, looks like the bigfoot with the werewolf head. He swears up and down he has seen that three times. And you worry that's the dog man. I know that's a touchy subject when talking to Sasquatch enthusiasts because sometimes you bring it up and they're willing to talk. Sometimes you bring it up, though, and they just shut you right down. Like they don't want to even discuss the dog man. But I find the dog man really interesting. We're on the scout right now to talk to someone here in Kentucky about the dog man sightings down the land between the legs. Oh, yeah. And honestly, I never really want to put it together that they might be related. I mean, I don't know. Like I said, I'm a newbie, so I'm just shooting blank here. I don't know what's what on either side. I'm learning as I go. That's the only way you can't learn, man. That's what it was when I first got started, man. I didn't know jack. I really didn't, man. I was like a kid in the candy store. I just didn't know what people wanted. I didn't know where to start. Yes, that's the truth. I've been checking out another YouTube channel lately. I brought it up earlier. The guy is called. It's homesteading off grid. Oh, yeah. I can't tell if he's legit or if he's just a really damn good entertainer. He's not legit. I'll just go on that. Okay, well, that settles that. One of his videos, and I know he's Matt. It's made up for the day as long he's just looking for that 15 minutes away. I get you I got that feeling watching him, but there was a couple of times when he's on there, it seemed like something startled him or something happened. But then I find another video where there was, like, a jump scare, and it looked like a guy in a costume, and I just didn't know what to think of it when I saw it. Yeah. What got me with him was when I seen one of his videos, when he swears up and down that he had this axe and something else and these tools that got missing. And all of a sudden he found the cave. And all his tools were in there. And they were placed so good and replaced properly and they looked like they had been used right there. To me, it's just like, come on and do it. Grow. Seriously? Yeah. And then I watch another video of them, and it's like you can just tell it's just made up. Okay, I'll chalk that one off, then. Now, there are some good ones out there, but some of you can take about five or 10 minutes. You can get the feel of it real quick. I've been getting on that thinker Sunker. You ever watch him? Yeah. I like the way he dissects the evidence that he's presented with. I think it's a good approach. It is. It's a real good approach. We were listening to the sound wave files earlier, and I even played one off of it on here on the podcast, which, when we published this, you'll be able to hear it, too. It's incredible how he went through and dissected the sound waves and showed the distinct sound wave pattern of each of the screams. If you can't help but sit there and listen to it and watch it and go there is something to this making these sounds. Oh, yeah, I've got an audio out of the worry, man. What's weird is I've gotten it several times, like, okay, you can hear the Cody set off, right? You hear that loud Cody start healing, and then you can start hearing the code and go crazy. Yes. They join in. Yes. Now I've got at least three different audios where you hear the code is going crazy. And then all of a sudden, you'll hear what I call the big cave menu. It's like that, and then they all shut up, just like that. It shuts them up real quick, but you can tell it's a big barrel chested Yale. Yeah, we call it the caveman Yale. It takes something big and strong to be able to shut them up. For years, I raised a big malamute, and he was on the back porch. And across the street from us is a big patch of woods. It's actually interesting because across the street and down about 2 miles, I'd say maybe, give or take 2 miles, that's where the most recent Sasquatch sighting of this county happened about a year ago. And there was coyotes over there. Holland and Hooting and Holland. And then my big malamute, he let out this big howl and he had a real deep voice himself and they all just shut up. Oh yeah. And I thought, man, that's interesting. He must feel like such a badass because he's literally telling a pack of coyotes to shut up. But I know it takes something that they perceive as bigger and stronger than them to get them to go quiet. Oh yeah, man. Yeah. It's crazy. But I mean it happens, it really does. And I mean we had a yell back when I've been doing it maybe close to a year, me and my son. And I've actually got the audio still got we were down here and it was maybe eleven, it wasn't very late and me and him were the only ones in the park. And at that time, like I said, I just started out, I had a digital recorder, right? And I was sitting on top of my truck and I was listening through headphones. So he was sitting there listening to it and I'm sitting there looking at him and I saw him make his face like I said it's for around 11:00 at night. And he looked at me and he said, did you hear that? And I said no. I said, you got the headphones, I can hear anything. I said, what did you hear? And he said, you don't hear that? And I said, no, again, you got the headphones. I can hear anything. He said hold on. Listen. So he gave me the headphones, right? And what we heard first was it sounded like a little girl, right? And she was going, it's like it but it sounded like a little girl, like a little child. And I looked at him, I said, Is that what you heard? He said yeah. He said, that's it, dad, that's exactly what I heard. So we get out of the truck, right? And we're standing there and we start walking around the park and like I said, I still got the audio. Dude, I kid you not. It was the loudest and biggest yell I have ever in my life. Heard it come off that mountain ridge and it hits you in the chest. It felt like you're standing in front of the speaker and the face hits you in a big set of lungs. Sent that house. Oh dude, it was unreal, man. I mean it literally punched you. It was so loud. I've got a good feeling of how you felt. The one, I'm not even kidding, the one single event that I can say that might be connected to this whole topic was that scream that me and my one friend heard. And what's interesting is that I've even reached out to talk to him about it and I don't even think he wants to talk about it anymore. I don't think he took the same path as me I think he would rather just say, you know what? I'm good with not knowing I'm going to move on with my life. But for me, it just kind of ate at me for years. I wanted to know what that sound was because I'd never heard anything like it. It was so close that to this day, I can still hear it. It left a lasting impression on me that I've never been able to quite put my finger on. What the hell was there? All of our animals. We had a bunch of animals living there, and we had dogs, and my mom had some cats, and she had a rooster, and she had a bunch of ducks and even horses. And it was amazing how silent everything went. I mean, you know how it is on a farm. It's noisy. Everything's going, we have a goose that never shuts up. But that one night, everything went quiet when that scream happened, and I'll never forget that. The immediate feeling of it was literally the end of the OSUs of, oh, shit. What the hell was that? I got to get out of here. Oh, yeah. It was crazy. That fight or flight syndrome. Exactly. Fight or flight is I think it can be a traumatizing feeling to go through your first time. Oh, yeah. That night, it came up on me and Sam. When it walked up all that night, I mean, I'm gonna lie to you, man. I mean, I have never my life had my heart beat so fast, it felt like it was going to break my ribs. It was something to drill them, because, one, it was right up on me, and two, I didn't have a weapon on me and Sam, he was scared to death. Now, Sam has never come back since. He's scared. He's so bad. He will not come back. He won't come back. No, he will not come back. He was sitting there, and I'm not lying, he sharpened a stick that looked like a toothpick, right? And he was sitting there quivering right with that thing right next to my head. And I said, look, dude, don't flip out of it.

Participant #1:
admit I'm not so proud that I can't admit that it scared the Yeah. When that thing come up on us, I mean, he literally slid over. He was like, need a kneecap with me? Oh, man. He was scared, man. I liked it. Scared. I can't blame him, to be honest with you. That night we heard that scream. I can holy shit out of me. And I'm a big boy. I'm 62. I've always been a big guy. And my buddy that was with me, he's a big guy, and we never had to worry about nothing walking around, you know what I mean? We're big dudes. We were confident. And that night, we were not big dudes at all. We were kids, and we were freaked out, and it gets you I mean, It got me. Oh, yeah. It's like down there in New Orleans, too. They call it honeywri because you'll see some weird lights down there once in a while, too. It's like some lights. You'll see what looks like somebody's holding a lantern. You'll see it, like just walking through the forest. You'll see a light blowing. You'll see, like, balls of light. Just literally you'll see, like, a balllight size of a baseball. I've seen this numerous times. It'll light up and you can see, like, the little white trail behind it, like it's floating in the air, and then it just disappears. That's nothing. You see that down all the time. But the weirdest thing that we've had happen is me and my wife was down there this year or last year, we were sitting in one spot, right? And I had to flare out. I had to camcorder out and the other, and we were sitting in the back of my vehicle, just sitting there, talking. Well, all of a sudden, a beam of light this is no light. A beam of light came down at a 45 degree angle. It's like somebody just lit a spotlight. Just like and it's gone. It came on and went right back off. It lit the ground. It lit the entire forest up. And right after it did that, my batteries and everything were dead. Gone. No kidding? Yes, sir. Wow. Never my life have I seen that. But you see when they're doing an event somewhere and they got these big strobe lights, these big spotlights that they go flash back and forth. Yeah, that's what it looked like. But at a 45 degree angle, it just came on and went right back off as quick as you can blink, and it drained everything. Oh, shit. Yes, sir. It's crazy. I mean, Tyler was just nodding to me over here, saying that we've heard stories here in Kentucky, something really similar to that. Really? It's wild. No matter where you go, the stories, they line up. They're similar, these things. There's something happening out there. I don't know what, but it's definitely happening. Yes. I mean, there's been UFO sightings down. You worry. I mean, I've seen all kinds of strange lights in the sky. It's weird down there. It's just got a vibe to it. It just ain't bigfoot. I always wonder if you hear about these areas where multiple different types of sightings are happening, whether it's Sasquatch or even UFO or the dog man. Nearby us is the mothman. Oh, yeah. I always wonder if, since we have a lot of people who've experienced things, I always wonder if it kind of wakes them up a little bit to where they're noticing other things more. It's very possible. I think I might have sold UFO the other night. And then something else happens, and you're like, well, that was weird. And then maybe it starts to kind of like the domino effect. It starts to knock down more and more dominoes where you're starting to see things that you didn't really pay attention more. Maybe our lives are too fast now that we're missing this stuff. It opens your eyes up more little. Definitely. Yeah. I just wanted to kind of go back to you since you just said that you had this just recently. You had the biggest, biggest sighting, the closest you've ever been to it. Do you feel any compelled to not do this anymore? Or are you just all do this? It's just the beginning. You want to see it up and close and personal? Oh, yeah, I definitely want to see it up close and personal. I just want to see just how jacked up that place really is. Got you. Okay, well, sorry. Go ahead. No, I'm saying that to me. There's a guy I'm not going to call his name, but I've been doing some research with him, too. Not as much here lately, but he literally this is the gods on the truth. He literally has a family of these creatures living in his backyard. And I've been doing research over him for several months now. And, I mean, it's nothing, dude. I mean, you walk in his backyard, and there's footprints everywhere. I've seen the creature at his place along with him at least three different times. Okay. That's a video that I sent you. It just loops for 8 seconds. That's where it came from. Okay. Where you can see that big creature walking down that's in his backyard, his land out in the forest. Okay. Now, I hadn't had a chance to send that one to tyler yet, but it literally shows a flurry image. It's a loop, and it shows what looks to me a big, wide bodied. It is to me, it looks a lot bigger than what you're typically seeing when you search for this. It's big. Yes. It looks like he's playing linebacker. Yeah, he's a big old boy. He's a fridge. We did one of her and done the measurement after that a couple of days later. And from where he walks out to where the edge of the head was, he's at least eight foot ever bit of. And his shoulders are his shoulder's like a four foot wide. That's a big one. That is. That's a big boy. You know what? There was one I saw the other day, lee, I was so excited to bring this one up to you. I wanted to get your take on it. A video came up on my feed, and I'm embarrassed to say that I've actually lost it. I will find it again, and I'll forward it over to you, unless you've already seen it. But the creature a lot of people are saying it's a sasquatch. The only difference between this one that I've seen with all the others that I've heard about is if this is a sasquatch, this one's 13 to 14 foot tall. Really? It is. Enormous. And I watched an artist, he actually took the picture, and he increased all the contrast where he could get an outline of his body, and he actually started to draw on it and kind of show you the proportions of it. He goes to the location and measures the branches that it was sitting in. It's sitting in a tree with its legs bent. And when he measured the branches, it was like 13 foot from one branch to another. Oh, my God. And this thing was it had its legs bent, so he even suspected it may be bigger than that. Have you ever even heard of anything that size? No, I really haven't. I mean, the videos it's crazy. That one gave me chills when I watched it because I'm like, okay. I mean, I've heard of this assault being seven, eight foot, nine foot tall, even. And I've seen that in researching. But one that touches the 15 foot mark? I mean, come on. We're getting a giant territory there. Oh, yeah. I can't help but wonder how a does 15 foot anything high, say, here? And it's just up in a tree watching these people. And the reason it got me was because it was a mother and her two little girls. Yeah. And the little girl saw it first, and the first thing she said was she was like, what is that? And then the mom was like, okay, let's start walking. Let's start coming back. Let's go. And one of the younger daughter actually says, I want to go home. I want to go home right now. And you can see the tree, and you can see clearly this big, huge black mass in this tree. And then when he goes back and he measures it to see the scale of this thing, I couldn't help but be startled by that. Not only is this possibly a sasquatch, but this might be bigfoot zilla out there. The great king alpha or something. I don't know. The day of all of them. Yeah. I don't know if you've seen that one. If I can find it, I'll send it to you, but I haven't seen that yet. You can send it to me. Wow. The biggest one that we've gotten, you worry is the biggest one record is the one they call big bull, and he's around NASA. Okay. Big bull. The biggest ones have been down here. Everybody always gives the big ones the coolest names. Yeah, I see where I still think that the old man of the force, probably. That's the one that liked me right away. I was getting a little sleeper. I talked about the book that I'm writing, right? Yeah. It's a scary book. Really? It's not for the faint of heart, I tell you that now. Okay. And the last story is about the old man in the forest. I see that right now, but it's brutal. Oh, man, you're lucky. Are we allowed to talk about the book at all. Yes, you talked about the book because we have a website, Woods Walker Products. Okay. We got coffee coming. We got our woods Walker coffee called Moolak Java. It comes in January, and the book will be in January, too. And I'm actually creating a stuffed animal of one of the characters from the book. We're working on that, too. Awesome. That's awesome. I get all the links from you, man. And when we publish this, I'll put it all out there for you. And that's awesome, man. I can't wait to read the book. Yeah, it's called Bigfoot Camp for our stories. I did one awhile back, but I did it like just talking and doing the sales with a woman who was helping me, and people loved it. And then people kept saying, let's do a book once. Do a book. So we decided to write a book, and it's three stories, but the very last story, the first story, the only one story in there, is about big one. The other two is about two other things. But the last story is about the old man in the forest who lives up on the mountain bridge. Okay. And I just feel like this he's a cannibal. I feel like that. Oh, man, it's brutal. They'll be turning that into a Netflix series before you know it. Hey, I wish they won't. I wish to see a movie. I'm going to tell you right now it's good. I haven't wrote it yet, but I can already see it in my head. So I've already wrote the I'm working on the Elm now. It's going to be good. If you like scary stories, you'll enjoy it, I promise. Absolutely. I love it. I love everything about it. Have you gotten a lot of foot castings? I've got

Participant #1:
three. No kidding? Three? Yeah. That's awesome. I've been checking those out a lot, getting online and taking a look at all the different ones that people put out and have casted themselves and shown and what's it like to walk up on a footprint like that. That's got to be exhilarating. It is. Some are better than others. The thing about it is you got to look for a to find one. It really is hard to come across the track, and most of the time when you do it's by accident. Now, like, the other guy that I've been researching, his property, he's got a gold mine, man. He's literally walking in his backyard, and there's tracks everywhere. I'm talking foot, the entire foot and the toes everywhere. And he's got probably six or seven tracks out there right now. He's cast it easy. No kidding. He's got a gold mine here, but like I said and you worry. I found some. I've cast some. But I don't know. The ones that I get excited about the most is when I can literally see the entire foot in the toes. That's the one. Some of you can tell because you just see the imprint on the ground, and that's great. But when you start finding toes in the foot, that's the one I like the best. That's the goal right there, huh? Yeah, because like today when we found out in the day and I found that imprint in the grass, I've had people say, Why didn't you cast? Well, that's just the tire track when somebody turned around. Well, that ain't a tire track. I didn't want the car come up the hill and go up in the main. I've never seen a tire track to look like that before. No, this one guy who tried to use the tire track, and then somebody else said, Why didn't you cast? I'm like, well, it's just flat. There's no toes. There's nothing to it. Cast grass. You just cast grass. Today's list, we're going to cast some grass. Yeah, I seen the one video. You said you found some teeth. Yeah, that was down near that creek. That was down at the cognitive mine where the creek is. We found some teeth and we found a shoe. Here's the thing about that shoe. We looked up that shoe as much as we could. That shoe probably dates back in the that's an old shoe. Really? Yes, sir. It's not like a clogging. It's something else. But the way we've looked it up and I had to bounce as soon as they said they said things back in the 70s, it's not earlier. And I looked up as much as I could. So it's dating between the probably between 60 and anything but the fact that it was in that creek bed at the edge of the creek and the top of the shoe being ripped completely off. And there's a hole in the back, and there's a hole in the center. To find a shoe like that is just to me, it's like, wow, because I wasn't expecting to find that. Yeah, it's kind of out of place. I mean, out in the middle of nowhere. That's right, because we were just down there walking. Like I said, we look around and I was telling a story where a hunter had actually seen the old man in the forest, the great silver. He was at that embankment splashing water up, and he saw him take off, and right there we found the teeth. And no sooner than my wife is the one who actually found the shoe, I was standing talking about the tooth, and she's like, hey, look at this. And I said, what? She said, there's a shoe in the water. So I went and looked at it and got out, and I'm like, okay, there's a shoe in the water. So we got looking at it, I'm like, wait a minute, this is an old shoe. Now, see, me, stuff like that is crazy. I love stuff like that. The biggest mystery that I'm hearing here that I have to ask out of all this stuff. How'd you get the wife to go along? How did I get the wife to go along? How did you talk her into it? I don't think I could talk my wife into going bigfoot researching with me. Bottle of wine. Okay. She sitting there

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bigfoot. Is a bottle of wine involved? Yes. And I'll go, I don't know if a bottle of wine would work with my wife. She's got to kind of let well enough alone mentality when it comes to the sort of thing. So I just don't know if I could convince her. No, she just more or less goes with me. I mean, she just kind of helped me out. Now, like I said the long time, me and my son done it, and then I went, my son quit doing it, and he got interested in girls. Hey, dad, what about you? That's another mystery. I don't think so. Then I started doing it with another guy named Ken, and I've done it with him and his son for a while, and I've done it with two guys named Bob and Dwight, and they just kind of, like, played out. So if I ain't doing it by myself, I'm doing it with my wife or this other gentleman that I met, I do in his backyard, and then another guy named Kevin. But a lot of it, if I'm not with my wife doing it, literally, I do it by myself. I'll do it solo. Right on. That's awesome, man. Honestly, I'm glad to know that you're out there going where the rest of us are scared to go. Yeah, it's not that bad once you get to you. I've had some moments that were nerve wracking. Yeah. Trust me. You just felt like you didn't belong and something was watching you and you needed to leave, like now. Yeah, I've had those moments. Yeah. I had a question. You were talking about casting footprints and stuff.

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Are the footprints different from the ones that you guys were saying that has the difference in their legs? They're, like, kicked back. Are the footprints or different between these different ones? I think the first one. Right? The one with the shoulder? Yeah, that one. Are they like, the footprints kind of the same? No, they vary. You got different sizes. You might have one that's got five toes, and you might have one's got four toes. I've seen prints where it looks like the big toes jacked up and, like, being broken, sticking straight up to the side. I've seen them like that. I mean, they're all different, yet they don't all look the same. Yeah, I could see that walking around barefoot, you're going to stub your toe sometimes something's going to happen. I can't walk from here to the bathroom without stubbing my toe on something. Oh, dude, I'm broke my toe in my house. And you imagine if I was out in the woodwork around, I probably know the people, I'm telling you right now. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I think that you kind of just touched on a subject that we've never really talked about, was, this is a creature that's out there. It's more or less naked, it's in its own fur, it's walking around. It has no protective gear whatsoever. It's got whatever evolution is taking it to, I think. Yeah. I mean, it's going to stub its toe at some point. Maybe some of the screens were here and maybe we're hearing an injury. I don't know. That's kind of like what I was like, because I swear I haven't let out a big roar, especially on a pinky toe. That hurts. Yeah, well, you made these things after walking around barefoot your whole life. You know, the bottle of their face has got to be hard and darn rock. Oh, yeah. I mean, they step on thorn bush and everything else and ain't nothing to them. It doesn't bother, like years and years of callous. Yeah. Looks like at night, like I told you, at night, that sound, dude, I'm not lying to you. The sound of something that weighed probably maybe four, £500 heavy with a rubber kind of pad foot when it hit that gravel and it made that crunch. Dude, I'm not lying to you. I could not get that sound on my head for almost three weeks. That scared me more than the creature did. Just sound. I think that's interesting, too, because being around horses and cattle, when a horse walks around you, it's not really that big of a you know what I mean? It's not that big of a thing. They're very grateful for being how heavy they are. And some of these horses are £1000 or more, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. I remember on the farm, some of our biggest horses could walk right up to you. They could sneak up on you. It's amazing that this thing you're literally feeling it when this thing's walking. Oh, yeah. I was wondering if maybe they're walking harder on purpose to intimidate, to kind of like, I'm here, stay away from me. I've heard that, too. That when they start stomping their feet is when they're trying to show the aggression. Okay. Yeah. I've never had one stomp his feet around me like that, but I've heard that. But I have heard what sounded like a horse took off running woods. You could hear it was heavy just running. Yeah, I think that would be the one that would probably get me if I heard it, especially if it was coming towards me, breaking branches and stomping, and here it comes. And I'd probably be like, okay, here we go. Well, I'm telling you right now, dude, I mean, the night they come up on me and saying that's the truth, it literally sounded like King Kong coming to the forest. I mean, it was breaking branches, and I'm talking huge branches, man. Snapping on left and right. The closer it got, the louder it sounded like it was tearing the trees apart. And that's true. It's wild. I mean, I went back and I searched Native American cultures. I even went into European cultures, the Viking cultures, Asian cultures, you know what I mean? All these cultures have a history of the same creature, and they all kind of tell the same thing. This is a forest being. It's a man, like, whatever it is, and they all describe it. There's similarities. There's little differences here. And it's just amazing to me how many cultures have ancient stories about this. I mean, even Old Testament stuff, if you go in and you start researching, like, say, the Nephilim, they talk about these what they described as a child that was born of an angel and a man, and it was a giant. It was manlike, but it was a giant. It was stronger than a man. And whatever, however it's described. And he can't help but wonder, was someone doing their best to describe this very same creature even then? Oh, yeah. Also talks in the Bible too. I can't remember what it's at about talking about the giants that were covered in hair, that lived in the forest. I mean, really? Yeah, it's amazing. The other day, I was talking to Tyler about this very thing, and a man on a podcast had said something, and it just was so profound. It just stuck out to me so much. He said, there's millions of sightings. Every state has hundreds of thousands of sightings going back ten or 15 years. And he goes, all it takes is one sighting to be true. Yes. He's like, but there's so many. And what I noticed personally, I have kind of a knack for picking out patterns and things. And the pattern that hit me was that not only do the sightings change with seasons, the behavior described in those sightings changes also depending on location. If it's near water, it tends to be more aggressive. During the summer months, it seems like the activity, it doesn't happen in the day quite as much. It seems like it happens at night more. When the air is cooler, maybe that's it. During the wintertime, it seems like it's fair game. Yeah. When it's cooler weather, they move around more. Yeah. And that's another thing that I've noticed. This might be a stretch, but I've noticed that the pattern seems to be from southeast to northwest. Most of the sightings that I've been researching that really stuck out to me. Not all of them. I noticed that when I look at a map and they describe where it was at, and then I find another sighting nearby, it seems like it has an almost perfect starting at southeast and moving northwest. Okay. And I kept thinking that, well, maybe there's a migrational pattern. Maybe they're just catching part of it. Maybe there's more to it, but it was enough to stand out to me that maybe there's an intelligent or maybe even instinctual behavior that's happening, or if it's like tribes and they just learned it down through the lines. This is what my parents did, basically. And they just kept doing it. Yeah, it's like they just kind of just passed on. Generation, generation. It's like, hey, this is the way we did this, the way you're going to do it. And you know what's weird about something, though, too, is come at the way you think your pattern is. I talked to a gentleman, it's been, I don't know, maybe two and a half years ago, and he was telling me, because he does research in Europe, too, but not like me. He only goes there once a while. I'm down there all the time. He said to me a thing, and he told me, he said, now, where did you have your sightings? And I talked about it, and I said, I had mine here, had no one over here. Then we had one back here and this and the other. He said, Let me show you something. He said, this is where I had my sightings. He pinpointed on a map, okay? He said, now tell me where you had yours. So I showed him, like, one sighting was here, one sighting was here, one sighting was here, another was here, and he done the exact same thing. And this was weird right here. He took an arrow, he took a marker, right? He went from pattern to pattern, and it was one big triangle. No kidding. No, it's like you see one here, here, and right back up at his exact same way. Dude. Wow. What they're doing is like, they go so far, like mileage wise, they only go so far from one force to the next. They cut back and they come back. And I swear, you do it's exactly like a freaking triangle, okay? That's why their range right there is where they go, okay? You don't think they're crossing, like, say, state lines, things like that? I believe some of them do, but I believe the ones that are, like, cross the state lines who are like I believe those are the ones who are just, like, coming and going. They're constantly just moving. They don't hang around the area, but then you've got plenty of them who, like, in my area, and you worry who stay they stay in certain areas. It's been happening for years, and that's how I know they're staying in the same areas because I can go to this one area and you worry, and it's just like clockwork. They never leave. Now, they do follow deers, don't get me wrong. They will follow deers, but they come back and they stay in the same darn area all the time. Maybe the area works for them. Well, you know, it's heavily deer. We got deers down like crazy and we got creeks. We got the big lakes, so it's very popular for them. I mean, it's like wiley no kidding. You're probably in the same course shortly behind them. That's right. And it's weird. It's weird because sometimes you'll see that there's an encounter. I heard about mountain, it's been several years ago, where the guy said he was a hunter, right. He was looking to a scope and said he saw some deers come across, right. He said when the deers got there, he said two or three of them, they kept raised their head and looking back. Raised their head and looking back. He said something was following, so they would get scammers and they'd take off. He said he walked into the scope, they'd stop and they kept looking back and they finally took off. He said, well, about five or 6 minutes later he said, he said, you can believe me or not. He said, I don't care. He said, here come this big upright looking thing. He didn't describe it as a bigfoot, he said, here comes this big upright looking thing, about seven foot tall, covered in ferd. He said it was following the beer. Wow, that would be a sight. Man, I got to tell you, I'd be something to see. Part of me hopes that I get that lucky one day to see it, but part of me is also like, well, if I don't ever get to see that, I'll manage. Yeah, that was like this morning. The last thing I thought this morning that I was going to see was something like that. And down here at Low Water Bridge, the last couple of days now it's been underwater. So when I went this morning, because yesterday I was out there, let me disregard it, the bridge was underwater. So I thought, well, this morning and of course this morning it wasn't underwater when I went and looked, but I thought it was still underwater. So I turned and went on the back on the other side of the road, went the other direction and if I hadn't went that way, I would have never seen that this morning. Oh, man. Yeah, that's wild, man. I tell you, I could see it in your video when I watched it. I mean, you could tell you're clearly amped up. You can see it in your body language. I've watched your videos for the most part. When I watch it, you're very, very calm. You're just kind of like, here's what's going on. I'm going to tell you right now, you know, it's very straightforward. Like I said earlier, you talk to me like I'm a human being, it's awesome. But on this one video, I had to admit when I watched it, you told me like, you got to check this one out. I checked it out and I'm like, man, he's aunt, like he saw something, you could see it, man. It looked like you had a little trouble standing still on it. You're like, okay, check this out. Yeah. I'm like, Man, I totally understand that feeling like, he saw something, man. He wants you to see it. Look what happened here. Yes. I was like, several hours. My wife was like, I kept telling us, I cannot believe what I saw this morning. I just cannot believe what happened. I could see it clear the bell, my head, but I could not grasp my mind about like, oh, my God, that's what I saw this morning. I wasn't even looking for that. No kidding. I'm just going back to get my reporter bam to happen. All right, well, Lee, you know what, man? We've only got so much time that we can upload at a time, so I'm going to have to cut this one off. But I got one more question I'm dying to ask you, and I know Tyler has another question, if you don't mind, if you're okay with it. My question is, it's kind of a silly question, but do you think there's any chance that there's a Sasquatch out there who's studying Lee? Is there one of them that knows that you come around and he's watching you and he's learning about you? Do you think that's even possible? Yes, I know it's possible. I know for a fact. So there's probably wherever they live, they've got their own YouTube, and there's one of them, and he's got footage of you. And nobody believes him. Nobody believes him. But there are certain things that I've done over the years that when I go into an area that things that I do, it just kind of let them know who I am. I feel like that I'm saying it's like, you got to gain trust. I feel like that it's like a dog. You just got to gain his trust. And like I said, this will happen overnight. I'm telling you right now. And I believe truthfully. And I'll tell you something else. I believe they're colorblind. I really do. Really? Yes, because of certain things that I've done over the years. When I first started doing this, like, let's say I could take like, a candy bar that had a red wrapper, it would take it. But if I took a candy bar that had a yellow wrapper, he wouldn't take it. And I could put the same candy bar cause I've done this several times, put the same candy bar in the same bowl, and he always took the one that was wrapped in red. So I think they're colorblind. Really? I think the red just stands out more. Like I said, I had an old dog ram that I used to drive for years, and every time I go into area, I took that dog Ram. And this is the truth with me being in the area, within 45 minutes, they would already start coming in because they'd let you know when they were coming. No kidding? Yes, sir. Like I said, I believe they gained trust. Yes. Oh, cool. Well, that kind of actually helps me with my question. I wanted to ask is that if you actually get really trustful with these creatures, are you going to really, like I know you like, upload your videos and stuff of that nature, but are you really going to, like, disclose any information? The one thing that I hate the most, if they're real, I want people to know, but I hate the ones that actually would probably I need this is a new species. I gotta have it on my wall. Oh, no. That's what kills me the most about the whole thing is that it's like, come on, man. People are looking for these just because we're fascinated by it, but a lot of people are like, just another thing on my wall. I'm not nothing against hunting, but I'm just like, that's just something that's been on my mind. What would be the purpose of hunting them? Yeah, don't get wrong, there's people out there who would do it in the heartbeat. Trust me. Yeah. I know several of them. But no, we're not out to do that. Okay, that's good to know that you're on that side, man. Yeah. Well, Lee, thank you so much for joining us on this, man. Like I said, man, we're just getting started and we would love to have you back, touch base with you maybe sometime, if you're willing, and maybe catch up with you and see if anything news happened. The channel is bigfoot. Tracking the Yuvari legend. Yes, sir. For anybody out there who might listen to this, check it out. Subscribe to Lee. He's awesome. He'll treat you good and you'll learn a lot. I've learned a lot. Yeah. Lee, thank you so much for joining us, man. Good luck out there, man. I appreciate it. I'll let you know at the end of the month when we get our coffee and when the book's ready. Yeah, definitely. Yes. The book is called I'm sorry, tell me one more time. No, the book. It'll be called Bigfoot Campfire Stories. Bigfoot campfire stories. And you got a website? Yes, it's called Woods Walker Products. Woods Walker products. Okay. Yes. And I'll get all these links. We have T shirts on that. I create bigfoot T shirts. We have walking sticks, tree knockers, tumblers. We have our coffee. That's where the book would be everything. Well, I'm definitely going to pick up some of that coffee because I have to know. Okay. It's called Mowa java. All right, well, Lee, thank you so much again, man. And keep doing what you're doing, man. You're doing a hell of a job, and I appreciate that. I'm glad to be on here. Hell yeah, man. We're honored to have you. I appreciate it. All right, buddy, you take it easy. Yes, sir. You see what all right, man. Dude, Lee, that was lee is awesome. Yeah, I love his like you were saying, his energy, especially. I really believe that his demeanor was probably, like, a lot more energy. Well, especially because you just said that he just uploaded that one video, and he was not expecting anything that day. It got me, because he's like, oh, my god, look what happened here. Check this out. And he doesn't beat around the bush at all about it. He takes you, like, grabs the camera. Look at this. Look right here. That's a footprint. Look at that. Look up here. And he hands the camera off, and he's trying to jump the distance, and he can't. I mean, I've never even met the guy face to face, and I just think he's awesome. I want to drink his coffee. I want to try the coffee. I hope we're doing a podcast and we're drinking lee's coffee. Lee's coffee. What did he say? It was something WOODWALKER. Well, no, that's WOODWALKER products. Woodworker product. He said the brand, like, the type of coffee. It was like his you know what he told me? You know what he said? Go to the website. Let's go to the website. Wood walker products. Let's check it out. Well, I'm trying to compute here,

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but his theory on them digging tunnels, they live underground. Now, that's crazy. Yeah, I've never heard that. I never heard that. I never would have thought it just wouldn't have dawned on me, to be honest with you. It wouldn't either, but be perfectly honest, how could they actually hide so fast? Sometimes you just wouldn't expect it. I don't know. Could the thing get underground that fast? I mean, I guess it could. I mean, most of the time when you hear about the stories, I mean, even when somebody thinks they caught one on camera, they're, like, gone. That's the one thing that keeps getting me, too, is when I think about it, is imagine you're standing out there, right? You're standing out there, minding your own business, doing whatever it is. Maybe you're drinking your WOODWALKER coffee. You're just enjoying the outdoors, and you look over, and here's a seven, eight foot tall sasquatch staring at you. I love the plug, though. That was good. I think I'm doing it for lee. And I don't mean to call you out, but that was a good plug. You're sitting there and you look over, and there's a sasquatch, and maybe he's doing his thing. Maybe he's hunting deer, like lee was saying. Maybe he's having some coffee. I'm having major problems. I was trying to bring up the website. It's just not happening. I have to get the links from him. Okay. Anyway, imagine the point being, in the situation, everybody always takes that one. They take that one side of it. They go, well, why didn't you grab your camera and film it? Yeah, okay. I was scared shitless. I was scared shitless, for one thing. And the other thing is, did you have to have nerves of goddamn steel to be able to be like, that's a sasquatch. Let me grab my phone real quick and I'm going to record him. I'm not worried about him beating the shit out of me in the least. Hold on. I'm getting a message here. Okay, I'll text her back later. Okay, there's my camera. And you hold it perfectly still while this sasquatch is staring at you. Like, really? I just don't think I feel like the people that do that we don't hear from again. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like the one with the best pictures are probably gone. It's not like it's like a hoax or anything. And somebody is trying to COVID it up. It's because the sasquatch beat the shit out of him. Some guy out there who does have nerves of steel, and he grabs his phone and he starts taking this just beautiful shot. Cinematic shot. Cinematic shot of the sasquatch. And the sasquatch decides that I'm not all about this. I don't like paparazzi at all. I'm taking you out. You didn't get my right side. I don't know. But in all honesty, though, if you think about it, everybody says the same thing. Why is the picture blurry? Whatever the film, you can never see the sasquatch. Very good. I can't help but wonder, how the hell would you get a good picture without putting yourself in possible danger? And the people who grabbed their camera really quick and they try to film, they're probably shaking like a leave. It's not standing still. It's moving. Has anybody seen the Blair Witch Project? Yeah, that movie sucked. It was shaky cam all over. He barely saw anything. All right, well, it's time to address you, listener. I hope you enjoyed this as much as we did. Check out Lee stuff. All the links will be there. Bigfoot tracking the uri. Legend is the name of his channel. Check it out. You'll love what you see there. Subscribe to him. Buy his coffee. Check out his book when he comes out. I'm getting his book. I'm going to get his book. And I can't wait. I might pick up a t shirt. I think I might have to have a t shirt, too, to be quite honest with you. Lee is a good guy. He was kind enough to join us here on an unknown podcast to talk SAS. Watch with us and educate us. And I really appreciate you being there. But now it's your turn, listener. You have to decide what you want to believe. What do you believe? What don't you believe? Do you have anything you want to add to this? Is there stuff we missed? Let us know. Send us an email. Our email is You send it to us, we'll read it. As long as you're not pulling our legs, we'll get you on here so you can tell us your story. Oh, yeah. And it doesn't have to be just a sasquatch thing. No, it can be anything. Ordinary. Just let us know. We're interested. This isn't a Sasquatch exclusive channel. This is just one thing we wanted to try. So yes. With that being said, put some thought in it. Let us know what you think. Is there an unknown primate walking around in Kentucky or North Carolina or any of the states? Do you believe it's there? Have you seen it? Let us know. And sleep good tonight. There's probably nothing looking in your window.