Aug. 16, 2021

S130: Dogman at a gas station, UFO vs The P51 Mustang

We had an awesome conversation tonight - ranging from listener emails that blew our mind - to a UFO dogfight that predates project bluebook!

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We had an awesome conversation tonight - ranging from listener emails that blew our mind - to a UFO dogfight that predates project bluebook!

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Participant #1:
You are listening to the Kentucky XFiles with hosts Dennis mays, Tyler Stewart and Josh Gibbs. Don't forget to subscribe to us on YouTube, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts so you never miss an episode. Now on to our show.

Participant #1:
Something that would be in the context of the superior described as being a great silver looking, upright, popular printer. Dragging a deer out of that face, going to peelboard. I got a question for him. Do you believe in demons? And it takes one big step and vanishes. I'm like, oh, my God. That was a big thing. Look at these pictures of this white creature. Something seven foot three, eight foot tall, and this bear was standing on his hind legs, and he was running like a lake. Now, when it stood up, that's when I knew it was a dog in

Participant #1:
welcome back, guys, to the Kentucky X Files. This is episode 30. 30. 30. No, no. For 30 years. Yeah. 98. We got three no. Yeah, we'll come back around to it. We need to find our anniversary. That's wet. It was summertime. I do know that. Yeah. Hotter and blue bay lasers when we did that. This is this is episode 30. This is I'm gonna I want to disclose something here. Just turned 30 yesterday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, buddy. Everybody out there, say happy birthday to Tyler. That's awesome. How does it feel now to be, you know, on your way officially to Old? Basically, I mean, behind us? Yeah, I mean, we're we're way in. We've dipped it. You're already in the grave. We've put yeah. 1ft in the grave. Had to cut off the other. I'm just saying this now. I went to a nerf thing with my son, and I will let you know this. Me running around, I'm a hefty guy. Everybody has seen the pictures on her Facebook and stuff, so I'm a hefty guy. But the age is getting to me. I noticed once I got back to the house, I was like, do you remember hearing this saying when you're younger, like, I wish I had half of your energy. Now, at this age, you start to look at your own kid and you go, now I understand what that meant. I noticed, like, about ten years after that, I've started to say, like, I wish I had, like, a 10th. Yeah, just a 10th to settle for an aid. Just to get me just to get me through the morning. Yeah, just to wake up and be able to spring out of bed and do stuff without the need of coffee. Oh, yeah. The survival kit in the morning with a pep talk. That's me, man. It's like green monsters in the morning. Now. It used to be one, now it's a few. And they're bad for you. They're so bad for you. But I am literally among the living dead until it starts to work on my system, and it's like, okay, now I can perceive reality a little bit better, and it's terrible. It used to not be that way. You used to just wake up like, I'm up. Then you have that thing that happens that you start showing up to work a half hour before you're supposed to be there. You're giving yourself the pep talk yet again to go in. Yeah, I like the one where you get to work and don't remember how you got there, where you're sitting in your car and you're like you kind of react, what the hell? What if I would have ran over something? Did I run over something? Did I ever go home last night? You know what I mean? A lot of things start getting in question. You'll get up on a Saturday morning to go do something and be on full autopilot and drive to work instead of going where you're supposed to go. I have absolutely done that. My dad's done that. He got up one day and drove all the way to Duck Creek to Coca Cola. He was sitting in the parking lot like shit. Drove all the way. It's only matter of time. We got a big week this week. There's been an enormous outreach from the folks on the look at that guy. On the YouTube page or the YouTube page? The YouTube channel. Sorry. Fucking really showing my age here. You know the YouTube page where you download the videos on the internet. My dog did distract you a little bit. He's a real good boy. He is. He's the best boy. Yeah. We had a lot of people reach out to us and a lot of comments, a lot of people on it with some new faces and a lot of opinions and beliefs, which is always welcome. Folks never hesitate. You're not going to be persecuted in any way. We've got much better things to do and make fun of people for their beliefs. If you've got something or you even seen something on the video you don't agree with, speak it out. Let us know. If I miss something or if we miss something, I want to know that. I want to know what you saw. Fact check. US too. Let's see. We did get some emails. I can jump into emails if you guys want to hear those. Get those out of the way here. We got a couple here. And then somebody dropped a bomb on us, which I'm not really sure how to go about that email, but I'll put it out there. I actually talked to the wife a little bit about this last email, and we had a good long discussion as to whether it should be said on the show or not because of possible backlash to the show. And I got to thinking about it, and the reason I think we should go ahead with the email is because we kind of agreed at the beginning that we were looking for the truth of these things. We're looking for the real meat and potatoes, right? So if we don't say something for the sake of some kind of backlash from one of the platforms that we're on, I feel like we're going against kind of the oath, you know what I mean? Like what we said we'd do in the beginning. So for better or for worse, whether we have backlash or not. And I think we should just go for it. But got some emails here and the first one is from Bobby. These emails have come in off of our supportpage, which is super appreciated. But again, I'm going to have to reiterate this, guys. If you don't add your email address to it, it doesn't show it to me. So I can't respond to you. I want to respond to you. I want to let you know at least, hey, I got your message. So if I can't fix it, they said I could. But if I can't for some reason just remember if you put something on there to put your email in there so I can at least acknowledge and let you know. First one is from Bobby. Denny. Well, thanks a lot, Lol. I was a huge fan of those big shows you mentioned on today's episode. Now I'm noticing all those details that you pointed out. The narrative does seem very linear, as you said. It seems as if it's being controlled by a single or maybe even a couple of authors. I am a new fan of your show and I have to say I've never heard anyone going into this like you guys do. I like your guys approach. You guys seem to decode everything you're seeing and hearing. Hell, even thinker Thunker has endorsed you guys now. Wow. Hey, that is true. Thinker Thunker did comment on a video. Pretty proud of that. We're making it. Keep up the good work on this. Excellent show, guys. I'm glad you guys added Josh. He's a great fit. Tell Tyler I said what's up? Hey, your listener, Bobby. Thank you, Bobby. Thank you, man. I appreciate that. Very cool. All right, let's see here. Next one. This is from Seth. Seth writes, denny, do you think the UV trick will work on the dog man? Oh, shit. I think I might have one or two living in the woods nearby. Some odd things have occurred. I will elaborate in future emails if I hear a response. Thank you. By the way, say hi to Tyler for me and welcome Josh too. I love the show, Seth. Thank you, Seth. Thanks. I'm loving the love here, man. To answer your question, I have no idea, Seth. And I don't want to sit here and tell you, yes, it'll work. I have a lot of questions myself about the dog man, and I'm not so sure that a UV light will do the same trick to a canine. I could be wrong, but I'm not willing to bet your life on it. Yeah. The only thing is that especially the UV trick, we never actually physically test it. Experimental science theory with a theory that he offered one of the viewers and it actually helped him out. Yeah, two actually. There was one that wrote in, I think, read the email. We don't even know what they were dealing with, too. I guess you wouldn't see symptoms, but the same pattern. Pattern behavior over. Yeah, behavior was the same. Kind of similar to Sasquatch, but there's always that chance that it could have been something else and it did work on it, but we don't know fully what was out there. But the screaming and stuff from the first test, I guess you would say, because he said he was yelling at it. And I never really heard anything like that, how to say dog man doing those types of things, like yelling at it, like giving that kind of noise. But like I said, I don't know. I really stand by this. Seth, if you're listening out there, I probably wouldn't bet my life on the trick. If you wanted to set up one and maybe test it yourself, hopefully from a safe location, let us know. Definitely email us back and stay in touch and please put your email address in the message so that I can get in contact with you. Hopefully this gets to him before he decides to try it without whatever. I hope that doesn't happen. Anybody out there, though? I don't know what the dog man is or isn't. Funny story. This last Monday, I was on my way to the new job. And for those that don't know, I started working for the Coca Cola Company as a driver, as a truck driver, which is awesome and loving it, but the hours are super early in the morning. I went to a gas station pretty close to here, pretty close to the Licking River. And there was me and one other guy getting gas. I went in the store to get my green Monster, and I grabbed these, like breakfast burrito things, the tornadoes or whatever that's going to totally give away the gas station if anybody lives around here. I came back out and I was like, you know what, I'm going to put some gas in this thing so I don't have to do it at work so I could just kind of go home, you know what I mean? So I went up, I just stuck the card in the old pump, started pumping some gas, had a monster in my hand. Had another one sitting on the roof of the car. And I had my food in the passenger seat. Okay. There's no method to this madness. It's just as it happens, right? Sitting there pumping gas, kind of spacing out a little bit. I heard a bark growl thing happen. It was so goddamn loud, it sounded like a rottweiler on a PA system or something or a megaphone, man. I don't know what I thought. For a split second. I was about to get mauled. It was literally that feeling like a dog is after you. That same old shit feeling. Then the growl came, and the growl made me stop what I was doing and look around. And I look over and the other guy is getting gas. And it would be awesome if he actually heard this and was like, that was me, right? That would be so cool. And he actually looked at me and he's like, do you see it? And I was like, I don't see shit. I was like, is it a fucking dog or something? And he's like, It sounds like a big fucking dog. And I actually was the one who initiated it. I was like, well, I'm getting the fuck out of here. So I stopped pumping gas, jumped in the car and took off. And the fucking monster that was on my roof lost. It, was gone. I got all the way to work and was like, oh, shit. Probably I have to forgive myself that one, because dude, it really made me think about the Emphasound thing all day. I don't know if the dog man was at the gas station or if it was bigfoot at the gas station. But I am going to say this, though. That the sound it gave me a little peek into that. Flight or fright? I definitely had flight and fright. There was no fight in there. It sounds huge. It sounds like a fucking massive dog, right? And that's where you work because you messaged us immediately after it happened. Dude, I woke up to that message. It was weird. I was like, I need to send them this while it's still fresh. While it just happened. So I just texted it to you. Like, hey, whatever you guys want to say about it, I don't care. I just want to here it is, right here's. What happened. That's like a really heavily wooded area plus commercial buildings. It was odd, man. That's a weird place in the light. There's one person in the store working there's, me and one other guy. And the fact that he experienced it with me, I don't know if that helped or made it worse. Man, let's hope he's a listener. I mean, it's a crap shoot, and it's one in a million times. Hopefully he wonders. Hopefully it plants the seed and he starts wondering about that night. Maybe like, the six degrees of Kevin Bacon will work out. And somebody be like, hey, remember your buddy who told me that story? They're talking about it on the podcast. Maybe it'll come through. That would be amazing. If you're out there and you were with me that night, please contact. That would be amazing. Anyway, don't know. Like I said, don't know what it was. Didn't go exploring to find out either. Not interested. Not interested in meeting the dog man. Let's see. I got one more here from this one, and then we got a heavy one. All right, this is an anonymous email. Let's see. It starts out with this. Denny, Tyler, and Josh, welcome. By the way, I will leave my name anonymous because I am a veterinarian for a zoo and I don't need the hassle of my coworkers. I've been thinking a lot about your case you've built on the UV light spectrum. Let me say this. It was very astute to call out the eyeshine. I can attest that after working with some astute what the hell does astute mean? It's a good thing. Is it? Yeah, I think I have it mixed up with acute. Yes, acute is small. Astute means that you sound learned. Nice. I'm a doctor. Dr. Denny. Dr. Denny. Sorry about that, guys. Let me say this. It was very astute for you to call with the eyeshine. I can attest that after working with some of the nocturnal animals over my professional career, that the eyes in question do adjust rapidly and perhaps uncomfortably when exposed to rapid burst of UV. The animals in question can go around during the day, in the full daylight hours, but uncomfortably so. Maybe that's how folks are catching these pictures that you're talking about. Also, we have evidence to suggest that the lights emitted from some of these outdoor cameras would be noticeable. I enjoy your show immensely and will continue listening. I think that you guys are on to something with your approach. I am interested in your future findings. Thanks. And sorry for the long email. That was not a very long email and it is much appreciated. Thank you so much. And you didn't leave your name, so I don't know what to call you. I'm just going to say, man, vet person. I don't know if it's the UV thing that's come up twice now in this week's emails. It is what it is. I don't know. Like I said, part of me still feels a little irresponsible for throwing it out there without testing it, but it was just a theory. It was an educated guess. Yeah, it was an educated guess. It was a good guess. And it seems to be working all right, so I don't know if I'm supposed to add the name of this person, but this one hits a little bit closer to home for everybody over the last couple of years. Everybody in this country over the last year has experienced a rapid change in the way everyday life goes. You are being told to wear masks. You are being told to social distance. You are being told to be afraid of getting sick. And a listener has titled this email to the cage rattlers. And there's no message here, but it's a list of about 48 doctors who are testifying against the use of the vaccine. I can't sit here and tell you what you need to do in your life. If you feel that the vaccine is going to help you, by all means do it. If you don't trust the vaccine, then by all means, don't do it. Personally, I don't feel good about telling you what the right thing to do is. I got a huge list here. I don't know if we should publish this or what we should do. So I'm going to leave it like this. If you email me and you want this list, I will respond with the list to you. Otherwise, I'm really not sure what to do with it. It's a massive list, and I don't really understand what that has to do with the show. I mean, I don't want to be rude to the person. Is it because of the cage rattling narratives? I think that's it. I think it's more to do with the control of narratives and yeah, that makes sense. There's a lot of people out there right now that are I see the tie in now for a second. I did. I'm not sure that this is the right show for that either. But if the people speak, I feel like, hey, there's so much that goes on with that, the whole political fight behind it. Yeah. I can see both sides of the coin. I get it. There's a certain company that has double initials that the vaccine was really bad. It was killing people. Yeah. And I can see why that would testify to that. I actually lost a family member to it, we suspect. Right. I can see why people will be scared of it, but I also see why people push for it because do you know anybody with polio? Right. Yeah, I have a smallpox vaccination on my arm. Absolutely. So I see both sides of the coin. Yeah. I don't know where I stand. Either part of me doesn't trust it because of how quickly it was put out. But the other part of me is, like, I understand the meaning and the implication, like, what it could mean for us, especially with this last year. I think everybody is at the point where they're willing to do almost anything to not repeat this last year. It was miserable. I mean, everybody was unhappy. You get to the point where I'm tired of looking at masks. I want to see people's faces. Right. And I'll tell you, it was a weird thing that I noticed, and maybe it was just my spa portion of the world that I saw, but it seemed like a lot of people were getting divorced. They spent too much time inside. There's been a separation. The better they realized that once they were together, that amount of time, that they weren't really fit for each other. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise for some people. I feel like if I want to throw my two cent on the whole thing, I feel like they should. Everybody should look at it, how we kind of look at this podcast. We don't take anything for face value. We dissect it. We don't go jumping into it. There is people on each side saying valid things. You got to make your own decision about it. But I hate to say it, but it just seems like the government is making it more political than actually helping in some cases. I feel like that's the reason why a lot of people are having a hard time is because they're making it more political than for the health of the people. I would 100% agree with that. And I feel like the entirety of the pandemic that happened, the amount of politics that was pushed into it caused the division. Absolutely. And that was the last thing we needed was a division. Regardless whether you're red tie, blue tie in the middle, maybe at the end of the day, maybe it's just like we've been saying with the cryptid communities, maybe that's the lesson to be learned is when they divide us folks, we are not as strong. This little podcast started with two guys. Now we're three hosts. But now, because if you were way bigger than that, we're so much more now that we're all together. We're from the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky. Our slogan is United we stand, divided we fall. Absolutely. And that's the way we take our stand with the podcast. It's the way we all should be. Absolutely. With this thing here, like you guys said, with the political divide, maybe it's time for there to be a divide between us, the people and them. I don't know. But moving on, I think this is a little too heavy. There's plenty more stuff and there's plenty of guys out there attacking this topic head on. I really don't know what we did to it. We're not like that. We're not really truly educated on politics. Group of Fellows yeah, I don't really feel like it would help. Especially like I said, we've got a huge group of new people, new faces and people coming out to talk about these unknown things. I want to help them. You know what I mean? I want to help them. I appreciate you sending the list to us. Like I said, anybody out there, if it's something that truly interests you and it's something you're passionate about, just send us an email. I'll respond with the list and you can do what you will with it. You can take it with a grain of salt or whatever you want. And also, I don't think we should hinder anybody sending us an email about anything they think they need to discuss with us. Because even this right here, although it doesn't really pertain to the narrative, not nearly a narrative, but the theme of our show, it was worth listening to. At least we got it out in the open because I knew it at some point in time that the COVID-19, the vaccine, that stuff was going to hit the show. Yeah, because if you think about it too, even with the other people in this type of topic and industry, like Steve, he always gets these emails in with all the stuff because he thinks a lot of his viewers think have the whole narrative of Bigfoot and stuff is being covered up by the government. And I feel like it's kind of the same thing in that way. So I get it why they sent it into us. But I think we've all came to the same conclusion where that's a good tie. I just don't think we're the kind of guys to go into that. But like Denny said, if you guys are passionate about it, we got the email. If you want the list, we'll send it to you. And anything. X Files. Especially anything. Cryptid anything. X Files paranormal aliens. Yeah, let's have it. Let's hatch it out. I got one here. This guy actually reached out to me. I was actually saying good morning to the how to Hunt folks over there. Great community. If anybody listening to this hasn't been onto the YouTube, you really need to meet these folks. There's a whole gigantic community of very open minded and very kind people. And somebody responded to my good morning and he said, denny, I'm in Pike County. Do you know of any reports of anything around the Elkhorn area on the eastern side? The reason I've asked is because I've heard some strange house two different times and then the same time the house, we've smelled a strange smell. It's like when a bear is around, it's like a very musty odor. So I don't have personally any way of knowing, but I figured if anybody out there lives around there, you know what I mean, reach out, let us know. And also like this shout out to this Pike County person because that's where my mom's side of the family is from. Absolutely cool. Our family graveyard is on Brushy Mountain down there, pal. So thanks for listening. Oh, yeah, one more shout out and then I'm done with this for this week. We got a comment. I want to shout out to this new listener. The name is Archangel Ogre. Great name. He commented on episode twelve. He says, really great episode. I never seen the footage in the first video before. We're talking about the Idaho bigfoot. A guy in a suit or not, that is one huge person or creature. It also doesn't seem to be the entire video either. And there doesn't seem to be any real history on the clip. The rock thrower video that you guys posted is definitely legit. Hey, thank you for that, reaching out like that. And we're glad to have you on the channel. And please, if you see anything or whatever, don't hesitate. If you debunk it, I want to know. I want to know about it. Since he brought it up in that email. I like to go back to that. Especially the throw. Oh, my God, the way he threw that. Because even like Denny was like, set it in there. Him and his son took it frame by frame. Do you remember how fast he got up within a second and threw this thing that looks at least the size of a bowling ball. Yeah. So at least had to be five £8, maybe more than that, right? Basically side armed it when my son broke it down. Frame by frame. We estimate that the thing, it was being thrown over 90 miles an hour. That's impressive. I mean, whether it's a bowling ball or a styrofoam ball, you know what I mean? If it's a styrofoam ball and you can get it to go that fast oh, yeah, because it's on him to wait, you know what I mean? How the hell are you going to get it to accelerate? The wind would started kicking it back. But that's the thing that makes made me wonder is if someone faked that, you had to put a lot of science into just making the projectile. Yeah. You know what I mean? Right. Who the hell what hoax are out there? Is this like complete scientific genius sitting there like, oh, we need to make this projectile this weight because it'll appear to fly really fast. Because somewhere there's going to be this obscure podcast that sees this and they're going to dissect it and they're going to tell everybody, and then that's when we know we got them. What a maniacal bastard. I'm just seeing people that are probably that smart. They're all building rockets if they're sitting there and they're that damn smart making hoaxes, they are definitely in the wrong field. Yeah, definitely. Honestly, they need to be doing something like way more important than bigfoot hoax. They miss their calling, for sure. Yeah. That's all I got, guys. I don't know, as far as emails and comments and shout outs and all that, a couple of heavy things in there. Veterinarian. That's really cool, though. That's awesome. It's actually good to get some clarity on how you were on the right path with that with the whole eye shine. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't even looked into the UV thing since I've been kind of on a different thing for the last couple of weeks and I haven't even went back to the UV. Everything I have is there, but what I do have is a little bit different and definitely a lot more experimental as far as the theory goes. But I don't know. I don't know how we're going to go about that one. I actually have some volunteers to field test it, though. Yeah, we've been talking about it. They want to go out and field test it and they want to report back their results. And again, I'm like, well, are you guys going to be. Armed. And they're like, of course. I'm like, okay, well, if you're going to be armed, I feel a little bit better. But I just really hate the idea of you guys taking one of my wildest ideas and getting hurt or something that would make me feel terrible. But no matter what I'd feel like with anything, if they were on their toes with that, any type of bright light would distract anything. But the crappy thing is that you would have to be pretty close, like a flare, like an actual road flare. You'd probably be pretty close up to the guy. And especially if you're blinded like that. If it's anything like us, it's going to start swinging. Because I know for a fact if something comes up near me like that, I must still winging grandma's getting hit. I just really don't want to be I mean, the one guy who said he got thrown, I don't want to be hit by that thing. Even the projectile, 97 miles an hour throwing something the size of a bowling ball, I don't want it to hit me. No, that'll hurt. That's a bad time. It hurts. Denny, that's a bad time. And any of you that want to try the UV thing, even if you say you're armed, I do have two words for you. 45 70. Please, for the love of your life, 45 70, big calibers. Get big, knock down power and trust your gut, man. Don't do the thing where you go, I've got a bad feeling, but let's just hang in there for a few more minutes. Just don't do that. Don't do it. Be like this. I got a bad feeling. I'm trusting my gut instincts. That's been millions of years in the making, and I'm leaving. Just do that because you can live to fight another day. You can try it again, you know, just not in the same spot with the same one, because he'll be ready for you the second time. You don't want that. That's what I hear, anyway. You piss one off. I'm talking about the big guy, too. You piss the big guy off, it really seems like it's like climbing up the tree. You just don't want to you just don't want to bark up that tree. He's bigger, he's stronger, he's faster. He definitely outclasses us. We've got reports of people shooting at the damn things. They don't go down. You know what I mean? That's the kind of thing I'm worried about, going out on those types of expeditions. If you piss it off and you're that close like you were seeing, get that feeling. If you're going to go out, you're going to have to be on your toes more than you ever have if you're going to stay in your ground. If you get that feeling, I'd probably post up right there and just start looking until that feeling goes away. And then you start making but you got to keep yourself protected, because these stories, these things don't go down easy. And even if you don't want them to go down, I don't want to kill one, but I still want to stay alive, too. So that's what I'm saying, is that you got to make sure number one is protected, because if you're trying to get all this information to people, you're not going to get it to them if you're dead. That's true. Yeah. You can't turn in any results if you're no longer living. Yeah. So you just be careful. Whatever you always say, be careful. The normal disclaimer is, hey, kids, don't try this at home. But I know you guys better than that. I know one or two of you is going to try this stuff at home. And all I'm going to say is, if you do, just be really careful and trust your gut instinct. Just trust it. Trust me. It's worth it. It's worth living. You got kids, you got wives, you got husbands. Think about them for a second. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. I'm so proud of you. Josh, you said you've been reading up on some stuff. Yeah, man. What did you find? I have been digging around, trying to find some stuff for Kentucky, about Kentucky, and I found a little tidbit of information on the Internet that's got me a few stories that I figured I would pepper throughout the podcast for, you know, a few episodes. This one here, I wanted to take us back in time to 1948. Good old 1948. Yes. All right, I'm going to tell you the story about Captain Thomas F. Mantle. Okay. The flux capacitor. Right. Sorry, I wanted to throw that joke in there before, but I couldn't figure it out specifically. This happened on January 7, 1948, in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Okay. He was a pilot of a Mustang p 51. Mustang. And I believe at that time, it would have been the Army Air Corps. That was before the Air Force, I believe. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me. I couldn't tell you. I know the Mustang is badass, and that's pretty much all I know about it. It's a really cool looking bird. Yeah, it was a great plane. It was. So apparently, back in 1948, there was a few planes that were told to go out after a UFO. They were actually made to scramble and chase a UFO in the state of Kentucky. And apparently this was one of the things that got the ball rolling for all of the UFO stuff in the United States, like the Blue Book Project Blue Book and stuff like that. Prior to Blue book. Blue Book, I believe, started in 51, 52. So we're a few years before Blue Book. This is right around Roswell time. Yes. Roswell is what, 47? Yeah. It was at 47 or 48, but at the same time yeah. So apparently the this little patch of planes was scrambled out to chase this UFO, and they were having a hell of a time even trying to get this thing flying across the state of Kentucky. I can imagine. I mean, think of the videos we see now of jets. They can't catch them. I could only imagine. I mean, that's like a toddler pedaling after a Harley's Carly. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to get you. I'm going to try to read some of what I've got here and paraphrase it so I'm not stealing somebody's exact work. Right on. But apparently this object was about 300ft in diameter, which is substantial. Okay. That is a massive object in the sky, 300ft in diameter that these planes scrambled after they thought it was possibly metallic. And it was trailing a green mist, which I thought was kind of cool. That's the first time anything you see has got a heat trail that I've heard so far that has a color tied to it that actually made me remember something. We talked about a town or something where something crashed. The green mist. No. I hate to say this, but I think that was an exaggeration. It was another place. I think it was overlapped with another thing. It was apparently the story went, like where these towns folk went into this. It was during a snowstorm or something. They went in to go to this town. But I guess the people that went there to make sure that this town I can't remember what happened, I would have to look it up. But they went in to rescue these people. They never came back. And then eventually, slowly but surely, the other town started to radiation. They started to lose skin, boil. Just remember, the green mist detail is what jumped out of it. The only crappy thing is I think they might have stole it from something because they said that this was actually a made up thing. I think everybody out there knows there's this one YouTube channel that lives off of just making up stories. More than one. Yeah, I think that was the thing. The one thing that kind of stuck with me on this one is the fact that there's something being emitted from the craft. Right. Okay. In modern times, what we hear a lot of is there's no discernible propulsion system, where back in 48 they're showing something was coming out of it. And only one of the times so far that I found anything really close to that was there was a Chilean video that actually shows a craft admitting a gaseous mist out of the back of it. Was it green? It was in flier. So I couldn't tell you what color it is, but it's a cylindrical object in the sky on a FLIR video from a Chilean jet. And you can see the mist coming out of the back of it. I mean, if it's a propulsion and it's green and it's combustion, that's the Zinc family. Yeah. Copper burns green. Copper, zinc, aluminum. Aluminum. Well, aluminum is, like, bluish green. Who's. Nitpicking. Right? I mean, still, I mean, think about it, though. Something that's using raw metals as a fuel would be pretty freaking advanced, right? But the only thing that makes me not think it's propulsion is because what about the ones that just kind of came out? Probably like I want to say it didn't just come out, but the ones that just kind of start to shed light, like the Tic TAC one from the little Tic TAC. They said that there was any type of propulsion on that. So what if it isn't propulsion? What if it's not propulsion? Or did they jump? No. Are we being visited by two different types of aliens, or did they advance over that time frame that couldn't and I mean, this is kind of crash, but I mean, our crowd I probably enjoy it. If it's a living being that's in these crafts, traveling these distances. Can't they have Boeing bombs, too?

Participant #1:
They were emptying out their crapper, right?

Participant #1:
Cheers. Full. You ever heard the saying that the simplest solution is often it keep it simple, stupid? Yeah. You know what I mean? I mean, it could very well be they're getting chased by P 50 ones. We need to go faster. Dump the septic tank. Let's dump the septic tank, guys. We've been pooping the whole time we've been on this trip. Whatever. I mean, you think about it, these guys are on their way to world pollution. It doesn't matter, fellas. If it has an Adam to base life form that has to consume food to survive of any form, it's going to have waste. It makes sense. I mean, it's impossible. I've had my six squirrel deadly. Do I need to take shit? We need to empty this. It's like a cheesecany. Yeah, that's their cheese candy, right? If you wanted to make it go faster, dump the crapper and go. You bail, you lighten the load. Yeah, I get it. Okay? But one of the things that ties the ship to the rest of them is that it has erratic behavior. So keep in mind, this is 1948 America. This is not. We've already seen the World of wars. World of War? I can't even talk War of Worlds. We haven't listened to Hgwell's podcast. I'm so bad at this. I totally understood what you're saying. Podcast. I'm sorry, folks. I really am. We haven't had any space movies. Star wars doesn't exist. Spaceballs doesn't exist. You know what I mean? None of this stuff has happened. So this is all people of that era describing what they saw. Pilots that eliminates the heads up display problem nowadays, they're like, well, it could have been the flur reading it wrong. No. Yeah, this was absolutely a pilot in the cockpit of a P 51 Mustang observing what the person or not. Yeah, the object he was tailing was doing the only interference with his eyesight would literally be a prop. So it's going so fast in sunlight and sunlight, and it's going so fast that they could see through it. So it was reported that this thing dove down at an erratic speed and then changed direction on the flip of a coin and exceeded speeds over 500 miles an hour ascending straight up. I wonder if they were estimating that based on their you know what I mean? I'm sure they had an air speed meter that they were like, if I'm doing 250, I'm leaving me. If you're going down the highway at 55 and somebody goes past you at 100, you have a feeling that was well over 75. Yeah, that's true. Right. So the freakiest part of this is that a fellow by the name of Richard T. Miller was monitoring the radio transmissions. Okay. The very last thing that they heard from Thomas's cockpit, which the other planes had broke off at this point, and he was going he pursued full bore chasing this thing at altitudes that the plane could not handle. His oxygen system wasn't good enough, so we have to keep that in mind. But his last transmission was, my God, there are people on this thing. And then his plane crashed. Wow. So this guy actually he was up close. The only thing that makes me think of is that it slowed down long enough to react to him. My thought with this one is, and this is what stood out to me about the story is that this man knew he was flying past the limits of his plane. This wasn't a weather balloon he was chasing. Right. He deemed it necessary to risk his life and eventually lose his life to chase this object to figure out what it was. Wow. I'm going to raise my bottle to him. You're here. I mean, seriously. Wow. That's amazing. I thought you guys would appreciate that story. That's the one I've been stewing on. I wanted to get on for a couple of episodes. Absolutely. That's incredible. Yeah, you're right. He knew at that point. He knew what he was doing. I feel like he went the distance that a lot of people would like to go to get the truth. And that's a terrible, inspiring story to tell right after warning people to not go out and test these truths that are dangerous. In my defense, I didn't know the emails. I skim the emails when I get them, guys, and then I wait till the show to actually read them because I don't want to know them beforehand. Does that make sense? Yeah, we want a raw reading. I want it to come out right on the bat. We've always wanted the rawness of this show. The only thing I do check him for is sometimes I get these emails and it's like my cousin or uncle who lives in Africa, and he's got a big amount of money. He wants me to have I just have to give him my credit card number so he can deposit it. Yes. Which, honestly is perfectly legit. Right? It's just completely legit. Yeah. There's so much going out there right now for people like us. Do you have any idea how many car warranties that I've gotten recently? Yeah, it's nice. It's funny. My truck has been parked for, like, four or five years now, and I haven't even drove it. It's just sitting there, and I still get warranty notifications about it, and they're like, your warranty has expired. And I'm like, you guys are, like, 15 years behind here. That expired a long time ago. I really appreciate the diligence in making sure that I know. Right? But I you know, message received. You know, I got it. I want to know if they actually can that these people do they call I want to believe they get a hold of Bigfoot. Yeah. Do you know that your car extended warranty is about to expire? Who we need to employ to help us track down Bigfoot is bill collectors. Yeah, bill collectors could do it. You ever had the one that calls you up and they're like, hey, man, how are you doing? You're like, hey, what's up, man? He totally catches you off guard. Because they don't they'll literally be like, Josh, how you been, man? You good? You're like, oh, Tim, working, man. Living a dream. Well, the reason I'm calling you is and you're like, you son of a bitch. I thought we were connecting for a second there. You got me, you dirty bastard. You want me to give you money? We need those guys. Yeah, those guys are talented. It's pretty wild. That's fascinating, though, the idea that they were chasing after it, and, you know, I mean, let's face it. I mean, if our planes right now are not quick enough to keep up with the UFO, then those planes back then, as impressive as they were for their time and still impressive, we had we had a P 51 fly over the farm not even two weeks ago. Nice. I don't know where it was going, but as soon as I looked at it, it had the big yellow and black checkered tail. Yeah, the civilian model looked amazing. It was bright silver and just absolutely gorgeous. But as impressive as they were, as fast as it was going, do you think that it actually slowed down? I think it slowed down. It slowed down to maybe I don't know. It's almost as if, why would you slow down? You know they can't catch you. I mean, wouldn't you? They didn't slow down for the I would. I know the plane is not called the Nimitz, but the ship was the Nimitz. Yeah, the ship is the limits, but the guy that was piloting it did it absolutely toyed with him. And I have to go back to my original episode. I was absolutely wrong. There is video of this and there's more to that story that I didn't even know that I've learned over the past few weeks. Listening to other people talk about it and reading and whatnot. And apparently not only did it see him coming down to investigate and decide, well, I want to spile right back up to you and match him turn for turn, coming back up to elevation, but it played with him for a second. Here is the thing that is the most freaky part of that story that I didn't know until recently. The UAP shot off in an excessive amount of speed 60 miles away in minutes. But the location that it went to is what makes it so freaky. It went to the cap point and apparently that was the original rendezvous point for the mission that they were on for training. That's where the entire platoon and the ships were supposed to meet. Wow. It went to the place they were supposed to go. Like, I already know your intelligence. I'm going to come here and wait on you. Wow, that's right. That's pretty creepy. I really messed with it. I feel like a lot of people would throw some conspiracy on that. We know it, the government is working with them. What if they don't need the government? What if they literally I heard that a while back that there is apparently in Hawaii, there's a base there that it goes down into the Earth. Kind of like think of Resident Evil, like the underground bunker. It goes down miles and then the 7th bottom level is supposed to be aliens. They come as they please and we do, I guess we trade technology. We talk honestly, just can't see what we have to offer. I mean, they're probably like, yeah, we bend time and space because it's more efficient to travel through the universe. We're like, dude, check out this iPhone. Right? We got a watch too. Yeah, the watch links up to it. Boom. The earpiece. You don't even have to you just tap your watch and you're on the phone. What do you think? And they're probably like, we'll come back, we're just going to wait. I remember when I had my first beer. Yeah, we're not feeling it, guys. You keep working on it. The last time we were here, you guys made a wheel and that was really exciting. And then you put it on luggage and that only took 200,000 years. I don't know, I just wonder what we have to offer. All I kept thinking was what's rare? You know what I mean? What's rare on the planet? What's something that we don't have a lot of? Like a finite amount of something. I mean, fresh water or what's oil there's plentiful here, that's rare elsewhere. Or that the only thing I keep I think everybody makes this joke is that it's like rare earth metals and stuff that you don't find anywhere else. Or something of that nature. I would say gold. I don't think there might be gold somewhere else, but we don't know. There's a big argument for that. There's a meteor or an asteroid called Midas which is loaded down with gold. Also, it's actually out there. So there could be another planet that has I know there's probably a lot of rich billionaires making space shuttles now. That has nothing to do with it, I'm sure. They're probably like, if I have all the money in the world, what do I need to get? I need more money. So let's build a spaceship and fly out to this big solid gold asteroid. Yeah. Jim Basis just good on him for doing it too. You know, there's a lot of people that got so mad over that. He's got a huge portion of the world's wealth. But if you can do it I'm just saying, if I buy it, if I buy a ticket to space from him, it better be that my ticket better be there in three days. I shouldn't hear the stuff that Elon Musk was saying about him. Oh, I bet. Yeah. He's been talking smack about Jeff baby. He's just mad because somebody else is doing his thing. That's all it is. Elon Musk. Go play with doge coin. Make it go up again. Can I have one of these, Josh? Absolutely. What was that ball you're in the garage? Yeah. I mean, it's only right. Can we give a shout out to those guys? Is that loud? Are we allowed to say that? I don't know, but let's do it anyway. Braxton Brewing Company. We are drinking garage beer. Premium logger from Covington, Kentucky. Twelve fluid ounces. And it's real good, guys. And the plain white can with the black letters is really what got me. I like about it is it just feels I don't know what the right word is. Nostalgic. It's like the white can that just says beer. It just says garage beer growing up. It's really good. It's delicious. Anybody out there that likes beer, definitely check them out. It's a logger. Correct. I think that's the reason why I bought it as a logger. Yeah. And I don't know if we're allowed to shout them out, but fuck it. We make the rules, right? We make the rules unless we get in trouble. If we get in trouble, then we if we lose a sponsor that we don't have, maybe Braxton will step in. We should find I know that. You know, they got to have a Facebook page. We should let them know that we shouted them out. Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. It is really good beer, though. In all seriousness. It's quite delicious. Yeah, I really like it. I liked it last time when we tried it. Yeah. This time I like it just as much. It's really good. Try anything once, try it twice if you like it. Yeah, keep trying it. That's what I'm doing. I saw twelve pack. I'll try that again. Absolutely. Yeah. That's fascinating though. I'm loving that the UFO topic is finally just getting in here and I always felt personally like I just didn't know enough or I didn't know what I was really looking for. I guess more than that, I'm fascinated by the subject. But like I said, the cryptid thing has kind of got me sucked in. I'm still pretty dedicated to it. But I love the topic and I love the idea that we have a long history here in Kentucky of the UFO phenomenon. Which is to say that the thing I've been looking into is actually mostly based in Kentucky too. And I know that you said in your thing you were looking into it too. I believe what we're going to do is maybe the next episode we'll go into it a little bit more because there's a lot and a lot of the stuff that I found out is very tightened together and then there's kind of an unexpected tie in that I wasn't ready for. And it has to do with a person or entity that goes by the name of Inred Cold. That's a beautiful name. Anybody who has heard that name out there, I know there's going to be a few of you that even hearing that name is going to be a little difficult. And the reason is because Ingrid Cold is also known as the Mothman. So I think that's all we can do for this one. Right guys? You want to wrap it up and call it a week? Thank you everybody for being out there and supporting this show. Oh my God. Never going to say it enough. It's never going to not be humbling. Absolutely. And thank you everybody that listens to the show for welcoming me with open arms. Absolutely. That's awesome. It felt good to be welcomed by the people that are listening, not just the guys sitting in front of me. Absolutely. I'm glad to have you, man. I'm having a blast. I am. Totally. Yeah. I'm just glad that he's good. He settled in just like he was always here, you know? That's weird because that's literally what I was thinking. It doesn't seem like Josh joined up. It seems like it was like he was on hiatus and I was a fan before I got the pleasure of joining. That's true. All the episodes were caught up. I will say that, man, he was messaging me like, after new episodes, like, hey, this is really interesting, this right here. And he was keeping up and I'm like, wow man, you really like the show. Really? And I'll be honest, at first I thought you were just being a friend. I get that. It's a good show, man, good show. But then when you started laying details of the show out to me, I'm like, okay, so you really like it. I'm a little weirded out. I don't know, man, when you do one of these this is my first podcast. I think that's the reason why I wanted to do that was because I know you guys were coming in with you're just learning how to walk. Absolutely. We're still shitting our pants a little bit, and I wanted to be somebody close to you that could step back and go, hey, man, you're doing a great job. Pat you on the butt and make you go to the living room, grab him and be here on our way back. Yeah, we have little shorts on that say, Josh's, boys. Yeah. He puts some living room jackets on us. All right, guys. Well, before we drink any more and get any dumber happy Birthday again. To Tyler. Happy birthday, Tyler. Everybody out there, make sure you wish him a happy birthday. Send him all the love you got. He's a big fellow. He needs all of it. Oh, yeah. Oh, God. Send it, ladies. He's single. Just throwing it out there. He's single. He's available. A lot of beard. Good laugh. We'll see you on the next one, Ludo.