Aug. 2, 2021

S128: It picked me up and threw me! Listener emails. Big announcement!

We have here a nice evening , when the sun finally decided to stop punishing us  and it cooled down. Grabbed a few different cold beers, and decided it was time to make a big announcement that will affect the future of the show - as well as some...

We have here a nice evening , when the sun finally decided to stop punishing us  and it cooled down. Grabbed a few different cold beers, and decided it was time to make a big announcement that will affect the future of the show - as well as some powerful listener emails including a man who claims to have had a physical alteration with the big guy himself. 

Please welcome Josh Gibbs as the new 3rd man to the show. We're keeping him. That's that.  



Participant #1:
You are listening to the Kentucky XFiles with hosts Dennis Mays and Tyler Stewart. Don't forget to subscribe to us on Spotify or YouTube so you never miss an episode. Now to our show,

Participant #1:
something that would be in the context of the superior described as being a great silver looking, upright, popped up creature dragging a deer out of that face going up the hill road. I got a question for you. He is, do you believe in demons? And it takes one big step and vanishes. I'm like, oh, my God, that was a big step. Look at these pictures of this white creature. Something seven foot three to eight foot tall, and his bear was standing on his hind legs, and he was running like a man. Now, when it stood up, that's when I knew it was a dog, man.

Participant #1:
Welcome back, guys, to the Kentucky X Files. This is episode 28. Because we can't count, because we boom. Because we keep cutting episodes in hand. Yeah, it's actually 22. No, besides that. Besides our fuck ups, we got a lot of news. Oh, God. Oh, God. You're gonna be so much news. Okay, see you next week. Bye. That's that's terrible. Oh, that's we just lost a subscriber. Why did you say that? I'm just kidding. Hopefully we don't lose a subscriber. But yeah, news. So excited. I am, too. I'm so excited. You want to do the thing where we keep alluding to the news, but we don't say it outright yet. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. We shouldn't do that. We shouldn't maybe let's just say it. Let's just tell them there's been a lot of fans reaching out. Yeah, well, we're going to tease it. There's been a lot of fans reaching out. And we got a lot of feedback. We got a lot of feedback from a couple of episodes. Forgive me if I don't know the numbers, the episode numbers offhand, but these are hard to keep up with from being honest. We asked everybody if you thought we should bring Josh Gibbs back on, and we got overwhelming feedback. So here's what happened. A while back, we said, you know what? If we get enough feedback back, we'll Gibbs nap him. Guess what? We did. So without further ado, say hello to your new third host of the Kentucky X Files. Gibbs is staying with us. We're keeping him, and I'm glad to be here. Hell yeah, we're excited. We are a threesome tripod. We're a power tripod now. And I feel like it's been an adventure up to this point. And I'm so excited because it's a new leg of the adventure now. Oh, yeah. We're going to drag Josh through the mud with us. And we're so excited. All throughout the last week or two, me and Tyler have been talking back and forth, and we're like, dude, you know what? We should just ask him to just join us. Otherwise, we're just going to we'll have him back on the show so many times, it's just going to be ridiculous. I mean, how many times? How many times? We've had you on twice, Josh. Yeah. And we could just keep having you on, but eventually, you know what I mean? Eventually. We're just trying to nip it in the bud right off the bat. We just want you to go on this adventure with us. And it's a hell of a can of worms, right? But it's going to be a fun ride. Oh, yeah, that's for sure. Absolutely. Definitely a fun ride. Good conversation, good, good topics. Well, sometimes good topics, sometimes it's terrifying topics, and sometimes it's traumatizing topics. But hey, the topics must be discussed. What did we say? We got to rattle some goddamn cages, right? Oh, yeah. And I've been getting that a lot. But out for the ado, I welcome you, too, to this. Thank you. Thank you. We accept you. Yeah, we accept you. We embrace you. And I'm just letting you guys know, I know we had a couple of pictures, but this man has an awesome beard. Oh, God. That's one thing I'll say. You could say what you will about any podcast, but if you talk about this one, you better know there's a lot of facial hair that's in this podcast, and I'm pretty sure Gibbs has the majority of it. There's quite a bit here. There's a lot of beard there. I was actually thinking we should add another mic just for the beard. Just for the beard. Just to catch it in there. Just put, like, a lapel mic to just going just get that. I want you listeners out there to be nuzzled by Gibbs's beard right now. Yeah. So we've had a really interesting week. Posted a couple of things on the Facebook page. Some odd animal attacks going on in Tennessee, some strange warnings from the officials down there saying not to go near Cock County. And the news report itself was kind of strange because they kept wording things kind of I know you picked up on that, too. I put it out there. It's really strange. They kept bringing up lacerations. The victims were lacerated by possibly wild dog. Yeah. Locals are saying it's, or the local law enforcement is saying it's possibly a wild dog. Very strange to me. Yeah. For me, I don't think I've ever heard a news article or show or anything referred to dog attacks in the form of lacerations. It was odd. It's usually dog bites, puncture wounds, things like that. The lacerations. I mean, if you look up the definition, it's any open wound, really. But it seems to me like lacerations would be reserved for cuts, slices. That's what I kept thinking when I hear the word. That's what I think when I hear laceration. I think barrettack. I think mountain lion. Mountain lion. I don't think dog. Wolf, coyote. But another thing, too, is them going to that direction because how many times? Because like he was saying is like, the laceration wouldn't kind of correlate with a dog. So what bring them to that laceration? So it means any kind of open cut. So what I'm thinking is that why didn't they think that it could have been a murder, like somebody with a knife? But then that goes into the say so they were probably looking at, okay, these are long cuts, but they're uniform in a way that you would have to have some type of claw so them to go in that direction to say it was lacerations by an animal. So still seeing a dog, that's just weird. What got me the most out of everything, it wasn't just the use of the word laceration, it was how many damn times the guy said it, right. He was driving at home. Yeah. And with all due respect to the victims and their fans, absolutely everything we say purely speculation. But it just seems so odd the way they chose that specific word, unless it was lacerations. And then what kind of a dog creates lacerations? The town or the county is southeast of the Daniel Boone National Park. So my thought was here in the next few days, I was going to look into that national park and see if there's anything else ever, like, say, ten years that matches up or another thing too, is I would like to ask is what was the state of the body that was found? Did they discuss that? I know this seems kind of a little in depth. Like, I don't think they would disclose that right away. Other than repeating the laceration remark over again, I didn't hear much. The only other detail I heard was some dogs were found around the body smelling it. They weren't doing anything to it, they were just smelling it. That's kind of weird too, because even an animal wise, if it was another animal, like you would say, like a cougar or what other type? Like a mountain lion or something, like whatever that's in that area, why wouldn't they eat it? I'm sorry for the graphic version of this. Why wouldn't it? Why wouldn't they state that they only stated lacerations, but not like torn flesh or something? Like, I know I'm getting a little graphic with this, but those are the type of things that you would like I hate that. I don't want to say I would like to see a dead body like that, but that would confirm my suspicion. So in a way, if I find a body with just lacerations, like, just to kill something was showing strength and killing it just because it could, that's the only thing. If there was no bite marks, me missing. He never said anything on the report about bite marks. That's the only reason it stood out to me was because of the lack of information. I feel like I didn't get this. I probably missed it when you guys probably were talking about it. But by you telling me this, it's interesting. That's weirded to me. Like the way they worded it, and then no other indications of another animal. Why would an animal attack somebody out of just that and then leave the body unless it was kind of provoked. But I've never a territorial thing. A territorial thing. I've heard of wild dog attacks and stuff, but it's usually again, we're not trying to be insensitive, but it's usually a small child. It's not a full grown person. Yeah. An elderly person or a small child. Yeah, especially because of how big of the game, unless it was like a bear or something like that. They go for small creatures. Sorry, not trying to be insensitive about children and elderly people, but that's the nature of the beast. That's nature. It sees a child or an elderly person that it knows, it looks weak, it's small, it's not going to put up a fight. Right? So why did it choose to go after this man? Usually in a dog attack, it comes down to a prey drive. When they get into that frenzy, what is it called? Blood drunk. You know what I mean? They get blood drunk, they get frenzy, they go for it. It's primal instinct takes over. I think they snap out of it eventually and they're like, oh, yeah, I'm not going to eat this. You know what I mean? Right. But like you said, if there was no bite marks, I can't put that to be a wolf or even a dog, because you never hear that. You would find lacerations from a paw or something of that, from a wild dog or a wolf or something of that nature. But they use their teeth more than yeah, that's their primary tool, is their mouth. I don't know. But if anybody out there has looked into this reach out, let us know. Let us know what you've dug up or if you've heard something that we're missing here, please fill in the blanks. I'd like to know. Very curious. Like we said, our hearts go out to the family, families involved, and hope for the best. And very, very sorry for the loss, but we'd like to understand what happened and why. But moving on a little bit from that, some of you guys have reached out and I've learned something interesting about our anonymous messaging on our website. Okay, so here's the thing. I had to copy all of the emails and send them to myself because when they come from our website, it doesn't give me any way to respond to you. So if you hear me read your email, please send a message to me at so that I can respond to you. I don't know how to respond to you from the website. I tried, and it just keeps saying invalid address. But if you guys want to hear the emails, we got. I'll read them. Go for me. Go for it. Let me bring him up here. And like I said, it was a complete pain. I was like, how am I going to do this? Because unfortunately, I cannot access the website from my phone. There's no way to access it from the phone. I have to be on a computer and then can't drag the computer over here every day I was like, how am I going to do this? So I did the next best thing. I copied them and sent them to myself. Okay, let me go over here. So a few of you guys reached out this week and let's go here. Here's the first one. If it loads up okay, that's not it. What is that? It says, I have a cousin here who's rich. I just got to send him my credit card info. Seems pretty legit here. Okay, never mind. So the first one, let's see. Tyler and Denny. This is before. Okay. I'm okay with being excluded on that. Well, you're not really excluded here. It says, a great show with Josh Gibbs yet again. The first one is a favorite of mine. I love that you guys brought Josh back and you guys just straight talk it out and then agree to disagree on subjects. I really wish some of these other channels let me just do a disclaimer. I'm paraphrasing because we're not trying to be disrespectful to other channels here. I really appreciate your I really appreciate what you're straightforward. But I'm not going to go completely into what you said here because we're not going to badmouth other people. But thank you. I really wish some of these blank, blank, blank channels would follow your lead. And that message you received about rattling cages. Holy crap. You must be doing something right if they're so nervous that they have to try to sorry. If they're so nervous that they have to try that sort of cryptic stuff. Proud to be a new fan, Amanda. Thank you, amanda nice. Really appreciate that. Yeah. We're going to rattle some more cages. Don't you worry about that. Let's see here. Got another one here. Denny thank you. And thank you for the UV light trick. Oh, cool. I am pretty sure I had one of these bastards around my land. Things go missing all the time, only to be found drugged deep into my woods. Wow, that's that's pretty messed up. Tree stands get ripped down and I even found one of our old four wheelers turned over right next to our house. Oh my God. What's their fucking problem? I've never done nothing to them. Well, I installed the lights. Now they stay away from the house and my belongings. Ricky. Well, PS. The Euros mountain story is scary as hell. It makes me think that some of these things do not have our best interest at heart. Well, thank you, Ricky. I'm very sorry that you had troubles and I'm glad the UV lights are working for you. That's awesome. I'm so holy shit. I'm ecstatic about that. I'm glad that you came up with that idea. It's cool that they had to think of it. It's crazy that they didn't, but it's so awesome that it's working for people. I just thought with all the eyeshine videos, you know, these bastards can see in the dark, so what better thing to blast them with than bright ass UV light? I mean, to me, that just made sense. If I could see in the dark and you unleash UV light in my direction, it's going to suck. But on a side note, with what he said on that little PS, he turned over four wheelers in his yard. Yeah, that's crazy. That's way more mischievous than a chicken thief. I like to think that. I'd like to see what size four wheeler was. I mean, that definitely makes a difference, wouldn't it? 50 versus a crazy or something. If it's like a little even like a little banshee. You could lift up a banshee with one arm and stand it on its ASN, right? But still, I mean, like 60 raptor or something. That's what somebody's four wheeler? Dude, that's just messed up. Wow, that would suck. That story. Like how he said that he doesn't believe that. He believes that they don't have our best interest. And I believe that there's some out there that feel that way. Just like because we're talking about an intelligent creature, something more intelligent than your average I'm going to say it your average bear. Right? So I'm just saying is that they're going to have disagreements with each other, just like how we have disagreements with the human race. And we're seeing how closely linked that we are. There has to be anger, jealousy, petty. We've heard that before, that some of them don't like us, some of them are indifferent to us. It falls in nature with anything. I mean, any creature out there you talk to, any pet owner and one person to say, my dog is an asshole, right? He just does stuff to be an asshole. And other people are like, he's just this sweet dog. I would imagine with anything alive, there would be temperament, personality. It reminded me of the it's a saying I heard a while back where somebody said is, do you ever notice that you're a little bit distant when it comes to a person who tells you that they don't like dogs? But you always trust your dog if he doesn't like a person, right? Isn't that weird that we have a bond like that? But yeah, I get what you're saying. It completely makes sense. I got one more here. It's a little bit longer. One I skimmed it. And I'll be honest, when I skimmed it, I got to a part in this and I was literally like, holy shit, really? And I know I told you guys a little bit about this one, but okay, so here we go. Dear Denny and Tyler, I'm writing to you guys to say that your show has become very important to me. I am not going to tell you my exact age because as much as I like you guys, I don't know you that well yet. What happened to me happened over 30 years ago. I have been a farmer all of my life and at one point when I was in my mid thirty s to forty s, you could tell it. I was strong as an ox and twice as handsome. Well, to get to the story, what happened to me was this I had a physical altercation with the big guy. Yeah, that's the part where I was like, what? Let's see here. Okay. It happened one evening after working at Hayfield. I was shutting her down for the night and I was alone. I started walking to the barn to throw a bucket of tools back inside the door and something pushed the door open on me and hit me in the chest down like a sack of potatoes. I thought it was my brother. Me and him had been wrestling back and forth for most of our lives. We even got thrown out of a bar one night for a harmless roll. We weren't drunk or even angry at each other. We just had a rough house bond. It was no big deal. When I went down, though, I grabbed what I thought was my brother's leg and I realized this wasn't my brother. Now, I'll admit I was a little dazed and I was winded. I thought I'd grabbed a damn bull's leg. This person lifted me up and tossed me aside like I was a bail of straw. I got pissed off and I ran at him, if you want to know the damnedest thing. I staggered him, he fell backwards a little bit and he made a strange grunting sound. Now, I can't tell you what happened next because that's where it went black. I woke up around four in the morning, boys. I was out for 8 hours. When I came to, there was a bunch of branches and hay put around me and under my head. Pretty weird. Never did figure out who it was, but when I listened to your show, there was a guy on there that said he was picked up and thrown while taking care of his little goats. It all just made sense. Anyways, I told my wife and now I've told you guys. I'll keep listening if you guys keep telling it. Y'all take care. And you keep rattling them cage's, son. They need it. I'll give you my first name, Daniel, but my folks call me Dan. Wow. Yeah. Thank you, Dan. Yeah, I really appreciate that. Now that holy shit. Seriously. That's the first time I've been through the whole thing. But that's woo. All I keep thinking is that this guy had to be like had to be a pretty built guy because balls of steel, that's the first thing I saw. I mean, if he's a square baler right there, he's tossing 120 pound bales around. Yeah. No joke. That stuff's not fun. I know. It was your childhood. That was my childhood, too. When we got it, we finally got a conveyor, but at that point, we'd throw so much hay that I was like, I still don't have a conveyor for the wagon once you're loading it directly off the tailor. Yeah. We never did that. We had to chase it around and load it for it sucked. So this cat was out in the fields, and you figure if he woke up 8 hours later, that means he went down at 08:00. I keep thinking if he was 04:00 in the morning, waking up 8 hours down. So if he's cutting hay, it's either the first of summer or end of summer. Yeah. Possibility that it's dusk. If it's into summer, yeah. So dark barn. I was just about to say that. What was it doing in the barn? Other than I know some people in the barn, I've never lived on a farm, so I'm not going to like you guys probably had a little section where you set your tools, but you had probably like, livestock in the barn, too. Some of them. It depends on the barn. Depends on the barn. Some barns are just for stuff. That's the way ours was. We had a bottom where it was like a standing trough where the horses could come in the bottom and you could throw hay down to them, which was pretty nice. But the upper part of the barn was just hay and tools. So I'm just confused if it has just random tools in it, like, why was he in there in the first place? The main barn behind my place was specifically for tools and fixing the equipment. And then we had tobacco barns and hay barns besides that. Tobacco, man. I got to do tobacco once, and when I say got to do, I mean I was forced voluntold. Voluntold? Yeah. I don't know how much tobacco you had to do, but if it was a lot, I feel bad for you. I was always for the picking it up and taking it and hanging in because six foot four, five, I can hang three tiers. Got you. I was always top of the barn. I don't think I was part of that part of the job. I was just cutting was I thought cutting was terrible. Yeah, that was way too low. That ground is a long way. It sucks. But do you think, though? So this guy was coming in after being out in the hayfield. If it's hazy, it's hot. Oh, yeah. So there's a possibility it was the end of summer cut and it was dusk, and he got to hear more. The thought I have is if it was a barn like this one here and the doors were open on the backside or whatever, it was a cool place to stay. Yeah, that is a good point. Barns. Barns are cooler. Yeah, they do. Stay cool. Shit. Maybe that's it. Dan, if you're listening to this out there, we'd love to talk to you. Or if you want to send us another message, send it. I'd love to hear more. There might have been water in the barn too. That's true. Water in troughs. We hit a crank well out here. I mean, it was cistern, like clean cistern water. And it was ice cold all year round. Yeah, there's a lot of things that could have been going on. It could have been if he had livestock, if he had horses. There could have been oats and the molasses soaked corn and all that salt licks. There's a lot of things that could draw an animal into barn regardless of the size of the animal. I just still can't get that out of my head. He got tossed twice. The first time he got back up, he grabbed a thing's leg. Oh, yeah. And then he tossed him. He got back up and then he tagged. Literally says he staggered it. Yeah. I'm like in the first time, I'll give the guy an excuse because he didn't know what he was getting a hold of. Yeah, you get hit, you're going to hit back immediately without thinking about it. But the second time when he's coming at it, only in Kentucky. I want to know how you and your balls fit on your tractor. Yeah, that's what I want to know, dude. Wow. He was not having it that night. Holy crap. Dan wasn't putting up with no bigfoot bullshit. That is definitely an open cab tractor. Dan, would love to hear more from you, man. If you ever feel so inclined, you want to email us again or give us a call or we can give you a call. Make sure you send it to the email this time though. Or if you're going to use the website, send your info along with it. Nobody else will see it, just us. If you need the email, we pepper it all through this. And I put a link on it, but it's Make sure you send it in. Would love to hear, man. Holy crap. Dude. Actually had an altercation with the big guy. I feel like that's only the second guy that I think second person on here that said that they've had that type of altercation. Robert from Swan Lake bigfoot. He said that he was taking care of his oh, he had a sick goat and he was trying to give it rushed and something grabbed him and slammed him. Slammed him on his head. Said he woke up later because the way he was saying it, it was like he was protecting his goats. He thought that he was harming him. Yeah, that's the feeling. He said he got off. Yeah. I've been keeping up with Robert, too, by the way. Yeah, he's making some good progress. Yeah, I've seen some of his stuff lately. Me too. What was the one I saw? He has a pretty compelling video for you guys out there. If you haven't checked out swan like Bigfoot, make sure you go and check it out. Subscribe to him. Robert is honestly, to my way of thinking, he's the kind of guy you want out there. He tries some unorthodox stuff. He goes out and he took a flute and he played it to him. And I think what he's more trying to do is kind of like make contact and try to get kind of a rapport going. But he has a pretty compelling video where he believes he was being shadowed by a clan of them. And as he moves, they kind of move with him and the sounds kind of come. And I tell you what, man, I just know it in my heart that he's going to show something soon and it'll be something to add to the books. He seems like he's had a lot of activity up around his area. He actually was telling us a while back ago he was trying to see if he could find the old clipping. I think his mom told him about this, about that something fell off a train. Oh, yeah. It was disclosed that it was a small human child in this crate or something. Didn't it say hid under a rock or something? Yeah, I think so. I can't remember. We'd have to go back to that episode. But I thought that was crazy because it said that was actually in their newspaper, that they said that they found it. Love to see the newspaper clipping would be awesome. Amazing. I thought it was crazy because there was a similar thing I think we heard a while back ago, but this was a Sasquatch, same kind of time frame back in the day. It was like old, but people still had, like, train. I think you're the one that told me it was on a train track and it tried to screw you up, but it broke its leg and they tried to take it back somewhere. Yeah, but no one knew what it was. And it died on the boat because no one wanted to keep things back then because of diseases and stuff on boats. So they tossed it over before anybody took the time to look at it. At that time, no one knew what the heck it was. We still don't know. So that's the shitty thing. If they actually had a bigfoot, I would say some type of infant bigfoot, we have little slices of really substantial stuff, and then we've got all these eyewitnesses and all that stuff. And every so often we just get this really obscure little detail that comes to. Light. And those are the ones that just grabbed me. Yeah. What Robert said at Swan Lake Bigfoot, that story that he told us about that old newspaper clipping about his mom telling about it and that story about them throwing it overboard after it died, those stories, I feel like they impact a lot because you're saying it's obscure. Really obscure. Yeah. It's like the Lewis and Clark thing. A lot of people reached out about that, and then people actually went and researched it themselves and confirmed it. Like, holy shit, there was a Bigfoot sighting in the Lewis and Clark journals. You know what I mean? I mean, the first time I ever heard of it was when you told me I'd only learned about it maybe a day before the episode. The thing I've noticed with the Bigfoot research is it seems like it's really difficult to find the good bits, the good tip. It's really difficult to get to that meat. Yes. Because there's so many bad taters. There are so many bad taters. We got to get rid of the taters. There's a tater that's floating around lately, guys. And if you see it, you'll know it, and it's going to show a Bigfoot. I say that with air quotes. I'm not actually doing air quotes right now. He's not. I'm really not. But if I was to do them, this would be the moment. It's going to show a picture of a Bigfoot walking next to a lake, and the caption is going to tell you that this lake is anywhere in the United States, and this picture is floating around. If you see it, just minimize and move on with your life because it is a bunch of it's bigfoot coming to a town near you. I've seen it. What? It is bigfoot on ice. Yeah. East Fork. Yeah. Somebody said it was Cumberland, Missouri, I think. Landis was landis was the one that sent it. The first time I heard of it was Landis Senate, and then Land it was that one. Landis actually researched it, and then he found that it was bullshit and gave me the heads up way ahead of time. So I was like, well, yeah, if it was that was the skinniest. sickliest bigfoot. He needed some white castles. Yeah. Are we allowed to say White Castles on this show? I wonder. I don't know. I don't know what we're allowed to do as far as that goes. Because, I mean, not sponsored by anything. Yeah, you're sponsored by Anchor, but that's technically I say your I'm part of the show. Stop your heat. You're with us. We accept you. You're not leaving. It's the week right here. I want to put you in my I don't know how that works. What? Nothing. He has a nice basement. Does he? It's a nice basement. He's got a cool set up, like his computer and stuff. It's really cool. Nice. I complimented him on it a couple of times now. I have a lot of stuff that I have to take. If I go room for my things, there's a large orange one sitting right there. I can't leave without that for sure. So guys, I wanted to bring this up. I know we go into the big guy a lot, but I know the last few days we've been talking a lot about do you know someone who has a paranormal research team? Yes. Well, I have an interesting prospect. I can't bring a team in there, but I could bring you guys and me, we could go it's a family property. And let me tell you fellas, it's haunted a shit. I don't know. I love how you didn't sugarcoat. I'm not going to sugarcoat this at all. This is the only place on Earth that I can say that gives me the creeps. And it's a family home. It's a family house and we can set up. I'd probably if I'm being honest with you guys, I would feel a lot more comfortable if we set up outside, not inside of it and did it. We can put microphones we can throw microphone inside it. I'm good with that. But as far as being in it, I'm not really not a big fan. We have to go in, man. We can go in. We have to put a camera if we're allowed. I don't want to force our way. Who is going to stop you if we're to go in? It would take a lot of convincing to make that happen. Is it occupied by the living? Semi? Semi. It's like a transitional thing. Okay. A couple of things happened over the week. I was told. Like I said, I don't have permission to give names right now. I don't know. I need to just ask. I'll ask tomorrow. Okay. Because I feel like I say this about once a week. I don't have permission to say names. I'm not going to yet. But a very close family member told me that something happened while they were there. And it brought back a memory, an obscure memory from my childhood that had to do with my dad and my own parents. And what had happened was they heard voices while they were there and it sounded like somebody was there with them, but nobody was there. Now, when I first heard it, I was like, oh, that's kind of strange. But then as I was kind of going on about my day, it kind of made me start remembering things. You ever had that happen where you're like you kind of start coming around to something? I remembered one night where this other family member who lived there had called us, me and my family, and said, hey, somebody's in the house. I need somebody over here. So I remember my dad going, and I remember in pretty close detail him searching the house and never finding anything. And these events are 35 years apart. You know what? It stood out to me because I'm like, wow, that's weird. And then the person who lives there currently is elderly and not doing great health wise. And when questioned about these things that have been happening, his response was literally, well, the house is haunted, with no joke, no laugh, no nothing. Just the house is haunted. Things fall, things get thrown, things break randomly. Voices are heard, things move. The one that creeped me out was the piano, actually. I know that under certain circumstances, especially with moisture and things like that, pianos have been known to break a string and make some sounds at random times. But it's really strange and I think it bears looking at now. Last week's episode might have been the one before I told you about the land where something was there, telling people to leave. This house sits on that property. I was just about to ask if that was the same area, same spot. You know the spot. I'm pretty sure you know the spot. Even if you don't think you do. I think if you looked, you'd be like, oh, yeah, it's right next right next to it. I've only been there once. Yeah. So it's years ago. Yeah, we were just wheel ads. Oh, yeah. Nearly we pads. But I think 27 years ago 27 years. 27, sorry. I think that the place deserves a closer look. And since we have immediate access to it, I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to go there, set stuff up, set the cameras up, set everything up, and let's just see if we see or hear anything. I know I've had a very, very vivid, life changing experience at this place, which is well documented out there now. A very, very charming scream sound that came from the darkness, which I hope to never hear again. But other people have also had experiences with things, telling them to leave, telling them to get out, things like that. And now we hear the voices thing and that just random memory of, hey, someone's in the house. And it was funny because when I was being told this just a couple of days ago, that was one of the things that the person said was, it sounded like somebody was in the house with me. And I'm like, oh, damn, that's just weird because we've heard this before from a different person years ago. So I think I'm going to try my best to set this up so that we can go there and hopefully not get the absolute shit scared out of us. And if we do, hopefully we catch it on tape, not us shitting ourselves. But I would be okay screaming like a girl, but I don't want to be on camera shitting myself. Right? Yeah, you can't come back from that. People would just tease you like you sound like a girl scream. And then everybody like, looked. But if you shit yourself, everybody would be like, that's the guy that he pooped himself. Yeah, he pooped himself. Me, personally, I'm not above editing out us screaming like little girls. I'm just saying you have total control, ladies. We may not have a script here, and we may not edit conversations, but I will edit out give us all death growls and stuff. Yeah. I will literally resample us later on going, I'm not scared of that sound. It'd be like old Chinese chinese Japanese movies. Yeah, I'm totally down. Oh, yeah, my little lady's got EMF reader in the spirit box, stuff like that. Oh, wow. Cool. Well, we should definitely bring that along and give that a day in court. I don't even know how to use that stuff anymore. I had an EMF reader, like, 20 years ago, and I don't even know if I still have it. Yeah, this one works. I do know that because you get close to a microwave and it starts spiking and going crazy. It's legit. It goes crazy in the studio. Nice. In my studio. And the spirit box does what spirit box does. It just kind of cycles radio stations, so it's kind of hit or miss, I guess. I've seen the spirit box. I've seen them. Never used one, never really played with one. But it was weird. Me and my daughter downloaded a spirit box app, right? And we hooked it up to an amplifier, and we were sitting in our old house, the house up the road there, before we sold it. And we were sitting there because a man died in that house. He died in the living room. And not violently or anything. He was an elderly guy. But we were sitting there talking, and at some point, my daughter Sam, I think she's in one of the episodes, she literally goes, like, Is anybody there? And this thing just randomly goes, yes. And I'm like, Come on, it's an app. It's programmed to say this stuff. Yeah, I hate that when it comes with apps. Especially Trust. Yeah. But this is nice to go down this rabbit hole now. Absolutely. This is another can of worms that's been out there. And I believe a lot of people have more belief in, I guess you would say, ghosts, like spiritual stuff. But I actually have a story of my own I tell right now. Yeah, let's just hear. Okay. I think I may have heard it, but tell me again, because well, this one, I was actually going to wait until I actually have a friend named Josh. Yeah, you do. I got two now. I got two. I wonder if we should make the Josh's fight to see who's a superior Josh. But what if we meld together and make super Josh? Super Josh? Like super shredder.

Participant #1:
But this was with my friend Josh. He doesn't care. Josh is supposed to be on the show at some point, isn't he? Yeah. He doesn't care. I have another friend who was with us, josh. I'm not going to disclose his name because I think he is a toolbag. Sorry. I don't want to be mean, but he was very overzealous when we went to do this paranormal stuff. I'm a big skeptic on this stuff because I have a hard time because I don't know. I haven't had that big sign that showed me other than this. This one was pretty big and it was weird because of how it ended. I'll start the story. Sorry. Go for it. We were going down to Mayesville, and there's a famous place called the Hazelwood Hospital. It is a closed hospital. I can't remember when it closed. I think they said it closed around the so it's been boarded up for a long time. So I think we've went out there a couple of times. The only way you're allowed to get inside the place is boarded up. Is there a broken window where you can slide in in the morgue. Always a great idea to answer through the morgue too. So ups your chances. Yeah, I see nothing wrong with this story so far. I'm sorry. Okay. Disclosure too. Josh, can I get a beverage? Oh, absolutely. Disclosure on this part. I was young. This is like almost like 15 years ago. So I trespassed. We do not condone that with this podcast. Do not do that. That's bad. It is bad. You shouldn't do that. You shouldn't do that because this place was bad. No one's been in it for years. And hospitals are just creepy to begin with. Oh, yeah. Because there was a bunch of stories already there. There was already a story of a couple of teens going in there and they said that they were doing the whole ghost thing. And they said that these I guess they started to get some reaction out of everything, like talking, blah, blah, blah. And as they were running out, there was two dudes and a girl. As they were running out, the two guys were in front because they heard something and the girl was behind. And they still have the heavy old gurneys. And one of them flew up and landed on her. That was the story. I don't know. Holy shit. I've only heard the story. It's like probably a crappy thing of telephone. It might have not even went that way, but this is how I was told. They said even though that it was heavy, it felt like every time they lifted it off of her, something was pushing down on it. Oh, God. The way that they explained it was they were getting on the sides of it. As they were lifting up, they could see the thing lift up, but then it looked like it was being pushed down in the middle. Eventually she squirmed out and horrible. They got out. And then there was another one. This one wasn't the paranormal, but they kept saying that there was a woman on the fourth floor that apparently I think she died giving childbirth. And then later the child dies too. Oh, God. And they were supposed to be they said they see a woman walking those halls, caring, carrying the baby. Carrying the baby. So there's already, like, activity that people have seen there. So the thing is that we went through there this time. This one wasn't what james, I'm sorry. There was many times I went there. So the first time we actually went in was with my other friend. Cool. I'm calling him that. We go through there. His name is Tool from here forward. That's funny. He has a recorder. His girlfriend at the time was just like, hey, hello? Anybody there? Anybody there? Blah, blah, blah. Right? Nothing really happened, so we just chalked it up and got it out there. But later that night, we was like, hey, let's see if we got anything on the recorder, or thought we were awesome paranormal investigators. They said that they started listening to it. Like, halfway through it, like, I guess, like you heard her say, like, is anybody there? Does anybody need help? And then out of the bat, like, you could hear it, but it was very far away. You could hear a baby cry, a child crying. There was nothing scarier than the sound of a kid when there was no kid around. I don't know what it is about children, but recently somebody had said that when they were researching for the big guy, they'd heard screams of children in the woods. Yeah. And I'm like, no, I think we talked to a guy about it. I think it was Lee that we were talking about. Yeah, lee. I'm like, not for me. Yeah, at that point, that's where I bow out. They need to figure out something different because I'm not coming in with that child screaming out in the woods. It's not something I'm going to go investigate. Sorry, but we didn't hear that at all. Unless it was just us moving around was just too much. And we didn't hear it. But the recorder definitely picked up something. It's crazy, but we kind of chalked it up. It wasn't really that profound. So I'm still at this point, I'm a skeptic. Huge skeptic. I don't know. But I still going out. This time it was with Josh and said Tool, and it's just not going to ever be funny now. I'm sorry you guys aren't seeing this out there, but it's the little motion he makes when he refers to it. It's like a little salute almost, and tool. So we go back out there. This time we didn't go in. We just kind of, like, waited for it. I think they kept saying I think Josh kept that saying. There was the witching hour, like 03:00 A.m.. 03:00 A.m.? Yeah. So we were waiting for that to see if we could see anything. And then eventually, one by one we started to see something out of this. I think it was the third floor window on the right side. I can't remember which window was. There was a lot of moss growing on the walls and we all saw something but we never said anything to each other. We were a little freaked out. But then Josh had the ideas like, hey, don't say anything, pull out your phones, start typing what you saw and then we'll read them. So we don't seem like it's basically to keep us from to be honest as much as possible. Okay. And I feel like there was some variations of it, but we all said that there was the lower left hand corner was a small gray child. But the weird thing about it is that the feeling that you've god of like it wasn't creepy. It was more of that. It was like looking at us like it was curious what we were doing and that's what most of us said. It seemed like it was scared almost. And I feel like that's how it linked up with both. A lot of when we typed it out, well, that's the end of that story but I don't know, it baffled me because they had it similar almost to the teeth for the gray child and how it was acting. There was a couple of other variations of it but those were the only main things out of us was it was a gray child. It looked like there wasn't like any threat and it looked like it was curious about something. A gray child staring at you from the darkness. I don't know. Right. That'd be enough for me. Yeah. That's some chilling though. It's easy to sit here and chuckle about but being in this situation I feel like I'd be like, oh yeah, atmosphere makes everything different. Yeah, because I always put it this way. I'm feeling that I am a sketch because I haven't had that encounter, that big encounter, like actual physical stuff. But don't get me wrong, I am not above this stuff. I don't know, it's just like the Sasquatch. I don't know. But you will not catch me in some haunted house by myself because I don't want to be wrong and by myself. Yeah, I know. Years ago, I know I was maybe 21, 22. A lot has happened since then. So I could be wrong about the age. But I went with you should preface that with many years ago. Me and a few buddies, one, you guys both know, we got this idea that we were going to go ghost hunting and we had a camcorder, like a DHS camcorder, like the 32 pound shoulder hurts after 15 minutes. Boat anchor, it doubles as a weapon. We had a night vision, like a monocular. You guys were high tech. You could see from me to you away with it. Imperfect night vision. You guys were low tech or mid tech, I guess. I had an old Nikon film camera, which was like, I loved this camera. And then it started out it was supposed to be the two of us. But then another buddy had just kind of showed up. And we were sitting there drinking beer together. And not unlike right now, we're sitting here trying many different types of beers, ladies and gentlemen. And we were like, hey, let's go somewhere. Where we're going to go? Let's go find something to get into. Well, another buddy, he comes walking up the road. He lived right down the street from said person. And he's like, yeah, let's do this. He's drunk. Like out of his mind drunk. And we're just like, what's? The worst thing can happen? Come on. So we all pile up into this tiny little Ford Tracer car and we go on a magical adventure that we're going to ghost hunt. And it's looking back on it, it's pretty funny. But then the bigger picture is where the humor starts to kind of die off a bit. On this one, it started out pretty innocent. We're like, hey, we know a few places. What's the big one? Bobby Mackey's. Let's go to Bobby Mackey's, fellows. We pile into the car. We haul ass down to Bobby Mackie's, which was only a stone throwaway. We get there and we're like, well, there's a bunch of people here. We're not going to draw attention to ourselves. Let's just blend in like we're spies. And I'm not even kidding you, with a Hollywood size video camera. We had all this shit stashed and hidden. I'm not even kidding you guys. One guy had a big army coat, and the camcorder was under it. And he literally had the lens sticking out. And he's just filming. I don't know what was getting long story short, on the camcorder, nothing was ever found on the video at all. The film, however, is a different story. Someone had walked past the table or something. We have beers out, and we're sitting there, and we had the EMF laying there. And someone's like, what is that? What is that? And one of us was like, I think it was the you know, if I'm not calling anything, I'm going to say let's say the majorly drunk one was like, oh, it's a ghost detector. I'm like, oh, Jesus, here we go. It erupted. These guys are ghost hunters. They're ghost hunters. All people are all gathered around like, oh, you getting any readings? Everybody that goes there knows the stories. They know all about it. They know the places, history. Well, the people in charge were like, you guys want to go to the basement? We're like, fuck yeah. I mean, you're not going to say no. I mean, this is why we're here, right? Let's go. The most famous basement ghost hunting history is Bobby magic basement, isn't it? We were in the bathroom, like shoulder to shoulder, with, like, 90 other dudes sitting there, like, peeking down at EMF readers. This is where they say a lot of bad stuff happens this in the basement. So probably didn't look great. So everybody in the building wants to go to the basement. So they put us at the beginning of the line behind the people in charge, and we marched this gigantic line of people downstairs into the basement and all through the basement. And there's a well, a dugout well in the basement. My drunkest friend jumps in it and starts grabbing dirt and stuff out of it. And he's like, look at this. There's soil from the and they're literally like, sir, you have to get out of that. Come on. I'm snapping pictures with my camera. I'm like, dude, I might never get a chance. I'm snapping pictures. I'm like, dude, this is great. If we're going to get something well, I know this is going to sound straight up cliche, and it does, and I'm not going to sugar coat this, but all of our shit died. Our camcorder shuts off. Even the monocular, the night vision, it goes dead. My camera is a mechanical camera. It's not digital, so it's working. So I'm in total darkness, snapping pictures. So we're like, dude, this is weird. All of our shit just turned off. We're freaking out. This is great. This is exciting. And realizing that we're a little drunk and probably way too excited about this, well, we moved on with our life. We ended up saying, like, hey, we had fun. We stayed there for a few hours. We left. When I was outside, though, I'm standing outside. My buddies are inside. I don't even remember what they were doing. I think they were trying to see if they could go elsewhere in the building, but weren't allowed to. I was standing outside, and I was smoking a cigarette. This guy goes, hey, can I bum one? Sure. Here you go. Sitting there smoking. And like I said, we were drinking. So I don't know. But it sure seemed like when I looked back, there was nobody there. And I'd handed this guy a cigarette. That was a little weird, but I'm not going to try to push that as some big experience because like I said, some alcohol was consumed. Time moves differently when you're drinking. Mackeys is a big building. It's a big building. It's a huge yeah, it's for what it is. I was outside. Yeah. And what I'm saying that's what I'm saying, is outside, if you were out front by the front doors, you either got a long way to go one way, or you've got that steep embankment and leads you to the back basement door or the other way. So either he fell off the edge, I don't know, or you lent a cigarette to a sprinter. I was literally a silent sprinter for like, a minute. I was sitting there like, I'm going to ponder this, and I literally just let it go. It's one of the very few things that I've managed to let go. I'm like, you know what? Whatever. Not into it. Just let me go. Don't care if I gave a cigarette to a ghost. So be it. I hope he enjoyed it. But then the guys come out, where are we going next? I'm like, Jesus, we're still going? Then somebody goes, let's go to the witches tree. Let's go to the witch's tree. Blah, blah, blah. Rifle range. Let's go to the witches tree. Okay, let's go to the witches tree. So all the way driving to the witches tree. We got one guy driving who he's drink a couple, but not a lot. He's pretty much been the safe guy for the night. The rest of us are three sheets to the wind. I know that I'm intoxicated at this point, but my critical mind is literally saying, keep it together. You want to know? Here's your chance. So we get all the way out there to the witches tree, and we're standing out there in the middle of the night. Got the car parked, lights on the tree. We're sitting there, and then one of our buddies is educating us on the history of the tree. So we're sitting there at this point. This is my first encounter with this tree. I'd never been there before. He's sitting there like, oh, yeah, the witches the three humps in the road to get here. That's the burial for each witch. And then this is where they hung him. And they never could cut this tree down. All this folklore around or whatever. And then they said, yeah, if you mess with the tree, bad things happen to you. Super drunk friend is at the tree, pulling bark off of it and shoving it in our other friend's pockets. He's shoving it in his pocket. He's shoving it, and he's like, we got to get some activity. I'm snapping pictures. Full disclosure. Never got anything on anything down there. When we got back in the car, the friend who owned the car literally has bark stuffed in the cup holders. It's on the floor. He gets back out and literally sweeps this shit out and returns it back to the base of the tree. He's like, dude, I don't know. I'm just not going to push it. He's like, I don't know. Don't know if I believe. Don't know what I don't believe. I'm just not going to step on fate here. I'm going to make peace with this tree. No disrespect. He puts everything back. Drunk friend still heads in his pocket. He's like, I'm keeping it. I'm never letting go. I'm keeping this bark. This is my souvenir what's the worst that can happen? Three days after that, he was walking across the street behind a few kids. One of the children was struck by a car, and he sat there and held her while she died. And it changed him. And when I heard that story, I sat there and I thought to myself it was almost as if the tree had said to him, do you really want to see death? I'll show you.